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Breathing rhythm regulates brain waves and strengthens memory during sleep

Breathing rhythm regulates brain waves and strengthens memory during sleep


Just as a conductor coordinates the various instruments in an orchestra to create a symphony, breathing modulates brain waves in the hippocampus to strengthen memories during sleep, reports a new study in Northwestern Medicine.

This is the first time that breathing rhythm during sleep has been linked to brain waves in the hippocampus. In humans – called slow waves, spindles, ripples. Scientists knew these waves were related to memory, but their underlying cause was unknown.

To strengthen memory, three special neural oscillations appear and synchronize in the hippocampus during sleep, but they were thought to appear and disappear at random times. We discovered that they are regulated by the rhythm of breathing. ”

christina zerano Senior Research Author; Professor of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern scientists have discovered that oscillations in the hippocampus occur at specific points in the breathing cycle, suggesting that breathing is an important rhythm for proper memory consolidation during sleep.

“We show that memory consolidation relies on brain wave modulation during sleep, and that this process is tightly timed with breathing,” said lead author and postdoctoral fellow in Zelano's lab. Andrew Sheriff said.

The study will be published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on December 16th.

The results of this study have important implications related to breathing disorders during sleep, such as sleep apnea, and poor memory consolidation.

Everyone has experienced that their memories become better after a night's sleep. This goes back to ancient Rome, when the scholar Quintillion wrote about the “strange fact” that “an interval of one night greatly increases the strength of memory,” the study authors said. . He was describing what we now call memory consolidation. This is achieved through exquisite coordination of various brain waves in the hippocampus.

“While you sleep, your brain is actively replaying your daytime experiences,” says the sheriff.

The sheriff had just returned from a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, and had to learn how to navigate a new city. “The hippocampus plays an important role in mapping new areas,” said the sheriff. “When I woke up, I felt a better representation of the city around me, which I found was facilitated by vibrations that occur during sleep and regulated by my breathing.”

The study shows that people who have irregular breathing during sleep should seek treatment, the sheriff said.

“When you don't get sleep, your brain suffers, your cognition declines, and you become foggy,” the sheriff said. “We also know that sleep-disordered breathing is associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as stroke, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

“If you listen to someone's breathing sounds, you might be able to tell when they're sleeping, because the pace of breathing is different when they're asleep. One reason is that breathing can be a mindful task, or It may be that the brain waves are adjusted to “memories.” ”

The study is titled “Respiration modulates the synchronization of sleep oscillations in the human hippocampus.”

Other Northwestern authors include Guangyu Chou, Justin Morgenthaler, Christopher Seale, Katherine K. Hauner, Mahmoud Omidbeigi, Joshua Rosenau, Stefan Schule, and Gregory Lane.


Reference magazines:

Sheriff, A. and others. (2024). Breathing modulates the synchronization of sleep oscillations in the human hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.




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