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Waiting time for car practical test

Waiting time for car practical test


I am delighted to announce today (18 December 2024) that the Government is taking decisive action to address the long waiting times for motor vehicle practical tests.

A driver's license is a passport that provides employment, opportunity and a better standard of living for hundreds of thousands of people every year.

Nationally, waiting times for a driving test are 13 weeks in Wales, more than 15 weeks in Scotland and almost 21 weeks in England. These figures highlight a system under strain.

The proportion of 17-20 year olds holding a full driver's license decreased from 35% in 2019 to 29% in 2023. This is important because one in six jobs requires a driver's license. The best jobs for young drivers include public service and roles that are important to economic growth (health care workers, construction, transportation workers).

Learner drivers should be able to take the test when they are ready to pass. But thousands have had to wait months for a test, with some being taken advantage of by businesses who have taken advantage of long wait times or had to travel hundreds of miles in the process.

Between April 2023 and March 2024, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) delivered over two million driving tests. And there are more than half a million driving tests booked over the next 24 weeks.

In response to increased demand, DVSA has redeployed eligible managers and management staff to carry out testing, creating an additional 145,000 testing slots between October 2023 and March 2024. DVSA has also reviewed its recruitment processes and stepped up efforts to recruit and train driving examiners. But the argument that further action is needed is undeniable.

That’s why today I’m setting out the strong plan I’ve called on for the DVSA to tackle this problem head-on, while helping the UK move safely and sustainably.

First, we will recruit and train 450 driver's license examiners. This aims to reduce waiting times for learners across the country by significantly increasing staffing and deploying examiners to high-demand areas.

Second, we increase the notice period for changing or canceling an exam without loss of fees from 3 to 10 business days. This will minimize last-minute disruption and allow canceled slots to be reallocated to those who are ready to test.

Third, we will review and improve regulations related to test reservations, including the ban on resale of test reservations. This will ensure fairer access to exam slots and stop profiteering that disadvantages learners.

Fourth, we will strengthen the terms and conditions for driver education businesses that manage test drive reservations. This improves the efficiency of our booking system, making it harder for those looking to utilize learner drivers to secure a test date.

Fifth, we will discuss ways to extend the waiting time for test rescheduling for test takers who fail the test due to multiple gross or dangerous errors, abuse of the driver's license examiner, or failure to appear for the test, and consider fines for those who do not appear. . This will help prevent bad behavior and respect the examiner's time.

Sixthly, we will explore ways to allow learner drivers to book their tests further in advance than the current limit of 24 weeks. This will give learners more confidence in planning their preparation and reduce the stress of finding an available place.

And finally, a successful Ready to Pass? This is a campaign to help learners throughout the entire process of learning to drive. This increases the likelihood that learners will pass the exam the first time, reducing overall demand on the system.

These measures are practical and targeted to address the challenges facing the driving test system.

But I want to be clear: there is no quick solution to the current situation. It will take time to address the root causes of this problem, fix the broken system this government inherited, and build a strong system for the future.

I am also delighted to announce today the publication of DVSA’s business plan for 2024 to 2025.

The plan sets out the key business priorities the agency will deliver, including action on the provision of practical driving tests for cars, which underpins the measures I have just announced, and key performance indicators to assess DVSA's performance.

This plan will help service users and the public understand the DVSA's plans for service delivery and financial management.

Business plans are available electronically at GOV.UK and copies are held in the libraries of both Houses of Parliament.




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