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The pine earthquake with Sierra forever will leave the attendees – Sierra Wave: Eastern Sierra News

The pine earthquake with Sierra forever will leave the attendees – Sierra Wave: Eastern Sierra News



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Contact: Louis Medina, Awareness Director, Sierra Forever [email protected]Cell 323.788.7447

“Awolly !! Passing times! Earthquakes. A horrific loss of lives! … The Earth opens! The houses are prostrating. Pine alone!

Certainly, the style of writing the title of newspapers was different in 1872, but it completely acquired one of the strongest seismic shocks in the history of our modern state.

What has become known as the 1872 Valley Earthquake, is also referred to as the only pine earthquake, which was struck at 2:30 am on March 26 of that year. Its size is between 7.4 and 7.9, similar to the strength of the San Francisco earthquake 1906. Twenty -seven people died; He was injured 56. Most houses were destroyed. It is still possible to see the scars you left on the ground.

On March 22, nearly 153 years until today, the public will be able to try the only pine earthquake with a 90 -minute free picnic of Sierra Forever and our office from land management partners.

“This walk is in the geological impact of this earthquake and the historical visceral accounts of the people who survived. Ashley Anderson, an explanatory specialist Alabama Hills in Alabama Hills, said it is a wonderful and terrible day in the history of Pine.

Participants will get walking with an interpretative guide for a Lone Pine tiner error directly outside the city and look at the signs of the scene that were changed forever as the Earth rose and turned.

Meeting time at 11 am at the Whitney Road Entrance Station. The attendees are encouraged to wear strong walking shoes, wear layers, use sun protection and bring water and snacks to walk for one mile. Children should be accompanied by an adult at all times.

For more information about the only 1872 pine earthquake, please access to [email protected].

To learn more about this topic and other events that Sierra offers forever, please visit All outdoor events are subject to cancellation without prior notice due to weather or other factors.


The public sphere of this pieces from May 11, 1872, the number of Frank Leslie newspaper, which is a literary magazine and a weekly pain published in New York from 1855 to 1922, depicting the destruction witnessed by the town of Lone Pine (top and bottom right) and the manufacture of court in independence (below) after 1872 ANIS Valley.

: With the permission of the Inno Province, the East California Museum – the set of photos of the East California Museum includes several pictures of the destruction that suffered from the town of Lun Payne after the Owings Valley 1872 earthquake, also known as the only pine earthquake.


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