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Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms, causes, treatment

Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms, causes, treatment



Needless to say, the human body is complicated. A million things can't go wrong for a million different reasons. Suppose you've been exhausted lately or you appear to have caught one virus after the next virus. You may just be lacking sleep or you can have a vitamin deficiency (or something totally!).

Vitamin D affects so many parts of the body that there is a lot of talk about. “Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health and immune function.” Elizabeth VI Nguyen, Pharm.D.clinical pharmacist Cedar Sinai. Also linked to a Low risk of heart attacka Low risk of dementia and Better mental health.

Unfortunately, low vitamin levels are not uncommon. There is no consensus about the ideal amount of vitamin D you should have in your blood, Research estimates There could be a shortage of up to 50% of people. “Vitamin D deficiency is a global concern,” says Nguyen.

The good news is that this is a curable problem. Pay attention to your body. And if you experience any of the following symptoms, ask your doctor if you need to test your vitamin D levels:


“Studies have suggested a link between vitamin D deficiency and certain health issues. depression, fracture, Diabetes, Heart disease, cancer and infectionNguyen says. However, according to “most patients are asymptomatic.” Cleveland Clinicthese symptoms can be signs of vitamin D deficiency in adults.

  • Bone pain
  • Muscle weakness or pain
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in mood

Children with vitamin D deficiency may experience:

  • Bone pain
  • Muscle strength loss
  • False growth patterns
  • Joint transformation


Vitamin D deficiency It can be caused by a variety of things. Here are some potential perpetrators:

  • Deficiency of foods containing vitamin D in your diet
  • Low synthesis of vitamin D from ultraviolet rays
  • Conditions that make the body difficult to absorb vitamin D (such as small bowel disease or pancreatic deficiency)
  • Conditions that make it difficult for the body to convert certain compounds to active vitamin D (such as cirrhosis)
  • Drugs that make it difficult for the body to absorb or convert vitamin D

Risk factors

People are more likely to develop vitamin D deficiency.

  • Don't have too much sun (or diligent about sunscreen)
  • Thick skin
  • I'm older
  • I have extra weight
  • Follow the vegan diet
  • Some conditions make it difficult to absorb nutrients (including Crohn's disease, celiac disease, or past bypass surgery)
  • There are conditions that make it difficult to synthesize vitamin D (such as liver and kidney problems)
  • A breastfed infant


A simple blood test can measure the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D circulating in the body. “but, Endocrine Association Nguyen said, “I no longer support a specific level that defines the satisfactory, deficiency, or deficiency of vitamin D due to a defined level and lack of outcomes. If you think you are at risk, please refer to your doctor.


“Managing vitamin D deficiency depends on individual factors, but usually involves a combination of food and supplements because most patients do not get enough vitamin D from food or sunlight exposure alone,” says Nguyen. If you think you can benefit from a boost from vitamin D, consult your doctor before taking the supplement.

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Other FAQs

When is the best time to take vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, Take it with foodTherefore, the fat in the food will be easier for your body to absorb. “You can also take calcium and calcium, including calcium, as vitamin D helps absorb calcium and is taken together frequently to help build and maintain muscle and bone health,” says Nguyen.

How much vitamin D should I take?

Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) For healthy people, ages 1-70 years are 15 mcg (600 iu) per day. For infants, the RDA is 10 mcg (400 iu) and for people over 70 years old, 20 mcg (800 iu) daily. Of course, before you pop the pill, you need to consider how much vitamin D you already get from the food you eat. For example, if you already have 10 mcg from your diet, you might just need to supplement 5 mcg. Like any supplement, we recommend asking your doctor and following their recommendations.

Can I take vitamin D?

yes! High levels of vitamin D can lead to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, weakness and weight loss, but “very” high levels can damage the kidneys, cause confusion and cause irregular heartbeats.

What is the best food source for vitamin D?

“Very few Foods naturally contain vitamin dNguyen says. So, people often need to lean on supplements to get enough in their bodies. However, dairy products fortified with oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, etc.) and vitamin D are dietary sources, according to Nguyen. Mushrooms, eggs and fortified green drinks are also good options.

Can I get Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight?

Yes, when the skin is exposed to UV rays, it starts triggering the body The process of creating vitamin dhowever, relying on the sun for the supply of vitamins is not a good idea. “Relying solely on sunlight exposure to meet your vitamin D needs is not recommended due to reliability and potential harm,” says Nguyen. For starters, the study People with dark skin have less vitamin D from sunlight, and “factors like seasons, latitude, skin pigmentation and sunscreen can limit the production of vitamin D,” says Nguyen. And if you choose to abandon your sunscreen, data “Exposure to the sun that is not overly protected indicates that it can lead to wrinkles and sun spots, increasing the risk of skin cancer,” adds Nguyen.




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