side effects
News of the landslide killings in the village of Lidi in the rural municipality of Yugal, Sindhupalchuk district, came as Deja Vu. A long time has come – a manmade, not a natural disaster. Of course, the mud and rock pile that engulfed the 13 houses fell into the hills due to the topographical changes. But 18 dead, 21 missing and five injured are not just victims of a natural disaster; Collateral damage of a disaster is the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Program in Nepal.
Geoscientists warned that Lady had become uninhabitable after the 2015 earthquake and recommended that she be moved to a safe area. But that never became a priority for the government’s post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. Just last month, when a landslide became imminent, the villagers left the village and knocked on many doors of the provincial and central government. But the blows fell on deaf ears. Rural Gogal Mayor -2 Pratap Lama claims to have appealed to the regional and central government, demanding the transfer of villagers who were in danger. After not receiving a response from the authorities, the villagers returned to their homes and stove. They had nowhere else to go.
Once the village was washed away and lives were lost or disappeared, the Pagmati County Chief Minister Dormani Poodle showed up in the village with a few packs of scrambled rice, pasta, biscuits, blankets and 2 million rupees in compensation. The Ministry of Interior also sent some cooking utensils, blankets, mattresses, clothes and cash compensation to more than thirty families from the Crisis Management Committee Fund in the region. If only they had listened to the satisfaction of the villagers before the disaster.
Landslides that engulfed the Sindhupalchuk hills over the weekend revealed an age-old problem that hinders disaster risk reduction and management in Nepal: The government does not take action until the worst happens. Ideally, the government, through its nationwide disaster risk reduction mechanism, should have acted proactively to warn people of potential landslides and relocate them in advance. If that was too much, the least response should have been when the villagers themselves came knocking on its doors to demand resettlement. But the government was as neglectful as it had always been and let people die.
The Interior Ministry said that as of August 16, a total of 208 people had been killed, 66 missing, and 162 injured in landslides across the country. The landscape of the hills has been severely destabilized as the 2015 earthquake struck, and is particularly vulnerable to landslides. Moreover, the rampant extraction of natural resources has made landscapes across the country more vulnerable than ever. Consequently, the risks of such man-made disasters are far from over. More of these killings are imminent. The government cannot continue to wait for disasters to take place until it is operational year after year. You must act proactively now.
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