Certain diets may be choosing the wrong way to lose weight
(Conversation is an independent, non-profit source of academic, expert news, analysis, and commentary.)
Peggy Liu, University of Pittsburgh and Kelly L. Haws, Vanderbilt University
(Conversation) The Research Brief is a short take on an interesting academic study.
Big idea
Dieters looking for a healthier alternative to their favorite high-fat foods, such as a bag of potato chips, usually have two options in the grocery aisle. A small package of the exact same food, or a larger piece of the “light” version. In a series of surveys, we make these choices for consumers, who often try to refrain from eating, or who are essentially on a diet (known as “bound eaters”). Found that they prefer the size of the larger part of the lite version. Even though both contain exactly the same number of calories. Participants who showed that they were on a diet rarely tended to choose a smaller size with a perfect flavor.
In our first study, we chose a vending machine between a medium bag of raise baked barbecue potato chips and a smaller version of the regular version (both 150 calories). Participants in a survey that frequently refrained from eating, such as reducing servings and skipping meals, chose larger bags of baked chips. Four additional studies of other snacks such as popcorn and cookies yielded similar results.
Why it matters
People tend to want food to be delicious, healthy and packed. The restrained eaters of our study were undoubtedly interested in choosing a healthier-looking snack, but a larger size choice would probably sacrifice taste and make them feel fuller as well. I suggested that I wanted a snack that felt like it was. When you’re full, you’ll burn fewer calories overall.
The problem is that research suggests that people may not feel full when eating lighter foods, which may indicate why most diets fail. there is. Some psychologists say that detained dieters may engage in overeating or overdosing at a later time in depriving themselves of fat and delicious foods, resulting in desired health and weight outcomes. Claim that can not be achieved.
By choosing lighter and less enjoyable foods, even in larger packages, detained eaters can deprive them of what they really crave (normal chips, buttered popcorn, or sweet cookies). There is a possibility.
What is unknown
But in the end, more research is needed, but instead of focusing on eating a smaller portion of a more satisfying food, it focuses on increasing the size of the eatable portion of the snack But that needs to be tested for success as a long-term strategy. Or, as past studies have shown, does it actually backfire and contribute to diet failure? It’s still not entirely clear.
What’s next
Currently, we are working on new research to determine how people eat, what they eat, and how often. For example, why are some people trying to avoid treats while others are seeking moderation? If they want food moderation, do they rather have a small treat every day, or do they cheat on weekends?
Consumers are also trying to understand if they actually feel full by eating lighter foods rather than low-calorie foods.
How to work
Food research uses a variety of approaches, including labs and online-based experiments, field surveys, and surveys of existing datasets such as food diary data. In this particular study, we recruited participants to pick chips from a vending machine and used an online panel to simulate actual choices.
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This article was republished from Conversation under the Creative Commons License. Read the original article here:
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