Coronavirus vaccine should go to the healthcare professional first, the committee recommends
FDA-approved vaccines are expected to be initially in limited supply before production increases and adequate doses become widely available.
Dr. Eric Toner, a senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center who was not involved in the report, assumed that the committee would receive government guidance from 10 to 15 million vaccines initially. Said it should.
“That means, given the nation’s population of 330 million, it’s just a small percentage of the people who have immediate access to the vaccine,” Toner told CNN.
The report on page 115 recommends four phases of allocation.
In the first phase, the vaccine is delivered to first responders, high-risk workers in health care facilities, and people of all ages who have significantly worsened outcomes, as well as older people living in densely populated environments.
In the second phase, vaccines are distributed to workers at significant risk, those that are essential to the functioning of society, to workers at very high risk of exposure, and to teachers and school staff.
The second phase also includes people of all ages who are at moderately high risk. All seniors not included in Phase 1. People in homeless shelters or group homes for people with physical or mental disabilities, or people in recovery. People in prisons, prisons, detention centers, and similar institutions and staff working there.
The report notes that combining Phases 1 and 2 covers approximately 45% to 50% of the US population.
Phase 3 includes young adults. Children; workers in industries not included in Phase 1 or 2 that are essential to the functioning of society and are at high risk of exposure.
And Phase 4 includes everyone else.
The draft report elaborates on why the vaccine should be caught and sent first to those who are most at risk of catching the vaccine and spreading it to others, such as front-line healthcare workers.
The framework document weighs four different criteria.
- Acquisition and infection risk:Individuals likely to be in a situation where Covid-19 circulates and is exposed to a sufficient amount of virus will be given higher priority.
- Risk of severe morbidity and mortality:Individuals who are more likely to die in the event of a severe illness or infection will be given higher priority.
- Risk of adverse social impact:Higher priorities are given to individuals who have a social function and are directly dependent on the lives and livelihoods of others, putting them at risk if they become ill.
- Risk of transmitting the disease to others:Individuals who are more likely to transmit the disease to others are given higher priority.
Minority communities, which are at a higher risk than whites, were not staged at a particular stage based on race/ethnicity, but the underlying situation that left many of them vulnerable was considered.
“People of color, specifically blacks, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Americans and Alaskan Natives are overly affected by COVID-19, which has high infection, morbidity, and mortality.” The report says.
“There is currently little evidence that this is biologically mediated, but the impact of systemic racism and the likelihood of acquiring infections, which increases the rate of comorbidities that increase the severity of COVID-19 infections.” It reflects the socio-economic factors that enhances people’s workforce, including frontline jobs, crowded living conditions, lack of access to personal protective equipment, and inability to work from home.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also suggests that health care workers need to be vaccinated first, followed by non-healthcare workers, followed by adults with conditions at high risk of severe Covid-19, And that people over the age of 65 should be vaccinated. The CDC Advisory Committee on Vaccination Practices will publish its own report.
Toner said the draft framework is “only admired.”
“I think they do a very credible job. I explain the ethical principles and the rationale for prioritizing certain groups over others,” he said.
“They talk about the most effective ways to maximize the benefits of the vaccine by providing it to those who are essential to provide care to others during the pandemic. For example: , For healthcare professionals, and also the greatest risk-and if it becomes infected, the greatest risk of getting, getting, or succumbing to the disease.”
The Commission was established in July at the request of the National Institutes of Health and the CDC and advised the federal government on how to distribute vaccines. The agency wanted an outside voice. The National Academy is an independent non-governmental expert body that advises the federal government on policy.
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