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Charlie Baker highlights influenza vaccine obligations for students in COVID-19


Officials say 81 percent of Massachusetts primary school students already have the highest rate of flu vaccine in the country.

Still, as the children return to school, the weather is getting colder and the flu season is approaching, with fears of increasing cases of COVID-19.

“And we should,” Baker said at a press conference Thursday.

After being vaccinated against the flu at a CVS pharmacy in Boston, the Governor of the Republican Party emphasized why all children over the age of 6 who attended nursery schools, kindergartens and kindergartens over 6 months were required to be vaccinated by the end of the year. Did. An elementary, high school, or university in Massachusetts.

Baker said his office had heard from healthcare providers that it was “incredibly difficult” for the system to simultaneously cope with the flu surge. Potential second coronavirus wave Over several aspects.

“Given the authority we have under state law, we know that some people are worried about the fact that children and college students are obliged to be vaccinated this year. “The governor said.

“I have to return a message from the community that really raised their voices for the people here in Massachusetts from late winter to spring last year.” People are vaccinated. Everything we can do to ensure [for] Influenza ensures the ability to do what is needed for Massachusetts people through the influenza epidemic and the potential for a second outbreak.

The first Baker administration rules Announced last monthApplies to full-time students under the age of 30. Includes full-time graduate students and both full-time and part-time health science students in Massachusetts.

There are exceptions for students who attend college exclusively online, do not visit the campus directly, students at home school, and students who are medically or religiously exempt from the vaccine.

However, elementary and junior high school students in school districts using the remote learning model due to COVID-19 are not exempt.

Massachusetts is the first state to announce such requirements facing Some voice protests It’s from parents and activists who claim it’s a government overkill. But Baker’s COVID-19 State of Emergency Give him Drastic rule creation authority (this is Subject of proceedings in the state Supreme Court).

Public health officials also said that this requirement was “Twin demic.. At a press conference on Thursday, authorities will not only maintain the resources and hospital capacity to treat a potential increase in individuals infected with COVID-19 who show similar symptoms, but also prevent the flu itself. Expressed expectations for.

Marylou Sudders, Secretary of the State Department of Health and Human Services, announced on Thursday that more than 40,000 cases of influenza were reported and 6,600 died during the past influenza season. Stand up in December.. According to Saders, the state’s public health service purchased 1,156 million doses of the flu vaccine this season. This is an increase of 900,000 to 28 percent that authorities typically get.

“We pay homage to and thank all the people in the Massachusetts medical community for the heroic work they did last spring, and go out and flu for them and yourself. “This year’s vaccine,” Baker said, raising the flu vaccine rate among students “helps children stay in school during this pandemic.” I added.

“Helping the children return to the classroom and keeping them there is one of the most important things we adults can do at this point in the current fight against COVID.” He said.

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