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Hollywood Rewind | The Truman Show: It’s A Special Jim Carrey

Hollywood Rewind |  The Truman Show: It’s A Special Jim Carrey
Hollywood Rewind |  The Truman Show: It’s A Special Jim Carrey


Written by Anvita Singh | New Delhi |

Oct. 11, 2020, 5:28 p.m.

Peter Weir directed the Truman Show. (Photo:

Jim Carrey is known as a comedic actor, although he has starred in serious and dramatic films like The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But in the 1990s, Jim venturing out to do something more new and intense in nature like The Truman Show was even more particular to people familiar with his work. A big risk is the phrase that the actor often encountered during this time. However, this risk has proven to be very effective. It earned him and the film a lot of critical and commercial acclaim. I remember watching Jims’ speech years later on YouTube after receiving a Golden Globe for The Truman Show. This is serious. It’s gonna be so hard to talk about my a ** after this. But I’ll get through it. What a shock, I mean if you look back at some of my early dramatic work. The speech was self-deprecating, self-aware, funny of course, and full of gratitude. And these are, more or less, the adjectives I would use to describe The Truman Show.

The film revolves around Jim Carreys Truman Burbank, who doesn’t realize that all of life is a lie. It was adopted by a company that operates a television network. And this network airs a reality show called The Truman Show, where millions of people around the world sit and watch Truman’s life and his challenges. Everyone is in the act except our hero. He doesn’t know that his wife, his best friend, his parents, everything is staged. Does he ever find out the truth and what happens when he does? This is the crux of the film.

The Truman Show showed a vulnerable, sweet, serious, but still hilarious side of Carrey the artist. The actor wasn’t just believable as a somewhat gullible, good-humored, and well-meaning Truman, he seized the opportunity and proved all of his critics wrong. Many had previously recognized Careys’ talent as a comedian, but no one had thought of him as an actor. And The Truman Show made sure that part of the audience really did sit down and take note of Careys’ undeniable talent and sensitivity as an actor. However, I would really give director Peter Weir more credit who believed Carrey could achieve his vision. The Truman Show was a well-cut, directed, performed, and complete stand-up film. And it’s even more relevant today.

The Truman Show shed light on celebrity culture, the numbing effect of reality shows, and also touched on one of the major themes of Christianity’s predestination against free will. Do we really have control over the events of our life? No, not on all of this, of course. But can we choose our reaction? How we could meet this challenge, this adversity, depends entirely on us. The Truman Show doesn’t give clear answers, despite Jim Carrey playing the role of Everyman and the creator-producing character of Ed Harris playing God. There’s that constant push in the script that’s reflected on the screen. Do we know things? Can Truman really be so blind? And really, what is real in this ever-changing world? The best part about The Truman Show is that despite such heavy topics, the movie continues to get a laugh. And that’s good for that.

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The Truman Show is available to stream on YouTube.

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