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Tony Awards 2020 nominations: time, streaming, shows and more

Tony Awards 2020 nominations: time, streaming, shows and more


Nominations are to be announced by actor James Monroe Iglehart (a Tony Winner for Aladdin) at noon, on the Tony Awards YouTube Channel. Check back here for the list of nominees, as well as news, reactions and comments.

the Tonys, founded in 1947 and officially called the Antoinette Perry Prizes, are awarded annually by the American theater wing and the Broadway League. The awards recognize plays and musicals that take place in Broadway’s 41 theaters, each of which has at least 500 seats, and most of which are located around Times Square.

There are only 18 eligible shows, roughly half the number competing in the most recent seasons, including four new musicals, 10 new songs and four covers. No musical revival has been opened during the eligibility period (April 26, 2019 to February 19, 2020), this category will therefore be eliminated.

Among the main contenders for the awards there are two jukeboxes: Red Mill! Musical comedy!, adapted from the 2001 film by Baz Luhrmann, and Small jagged pill, which was inspired by songs from Alanis Morissette’s 1995 album.

The competition for the best new play is expected to be led by Jeremy O. Harriss Slave game, which explores the enduring legacy of slavery through a provocative and comedic look at an imaginary group therapy retreat for interracial couples; Matthew lopezs Legacy, which, inspired by the novel Howards End, explores the legacy of the AIDS crisis through the experience of two generations of gay New Yorkers; and Adam Rapps The sound inside, which focuses on the relationship between a writing teacher with cancer (portrayed by Mary-Louise Parker) and an early student.

This year’s ceremony was originally scheduled for June 7 at Radio City Music Hall, with a broadcast on CBS. None of this is happening anymore.

Awards administrators have yet to announce a date for the postponed ceremony, although it is expected to take place in December. They did not describe the format, although it is probably entirely virtual. And they didn’t say how people can watch, although it is likely shown online and not shown on TV.

Looking ahead, there is unlikely to be a 2020-2021 Broadway season, as the industry has already announced theaters will remain closed. at least until May 30, which is after the end of the traditional season. So it’s not clear if there will be a Tony Awards next year.

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