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LSU-Shreveport tests COVID-19 treatment-News-Houma Today


LSU’s medical system in Shreveport is one of the first in the United States to enroll patients in an international study of treatment aimed at helping patients with severe lung injury survive COVID-19 is.

Teachers at the medical school and teaching hospital are enrolling patients in tests that use inhaled nitric oxide to treat such patients, officials said in a news release today. The gas is expected to effectively “kill” the coronavirus in the lungs and improve the supply of oxygen to damaged tissue.

“Inhalation of nitric oxide has long been proposed to reduce the original SARS-CoV infectivity more than 10 years ago, but its effect on SARS-CoV2 remains unclear,” said LSU Health Shreveport. Said Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Chris Kevil. “Furthermore, LSU Health Shreveport research shows that nitric oxide is a potent protector against tissue hypoxia that occurs during severe Covid-1 infection.”

Hypoxia is a condition in which oxygen is removed from the lungs.

This study was supported by the LSU Health Shreveport, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the University of Alabama Birmingham Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine department.

“This is an excellent collaboration with two US-acclaimed institutions and European facilities,” said Dr. Keith Scott, principal investigator for clinical trials. “We believe this treatment will change the devastating effects of CoVID-19, but we need to test it.

“The results are promising, and the gas is already FDA approved and could soon begin widespread use.”

According to LSU researchers, nitric oxide is already a life saver for newborns that are deficient in oxygen due to heart defects due to the ability of the gas to relax blood vessels.

Gas inhaled through a mask or small tube is different from nitrous oxide, also known as laughter gas.

Nitric oxide was used during the outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy, but under uncontrolled research conditions, said Dr. Lorenzo Vera, a paramedic at Massachusetts General Hospital, who is leading a new trial. This treatment appeared to dramatically increase the oxygen levels in the blood of COVID-19 patients, but more rigorous testing is needed to determine how much nitric oxide can help.

A second study, still under consideration by the Massachusetts General Hospital Investigation Committee, enrolls healthcare workers who are routinely exposed to COVID-19 patients and are at high risk of infection. At the start and end of every shift, doctors and nurses pulled the portable device to inhale a high dose of nitric oxide for 10-15 minutes.

In humans, researchers say that nitric oxide is produced naturally by blood vessels and some brain cells. Replenishment is needed because it helps regulate blood pressure, absorbs toxins, prevents platelets from forming blood clots, and can be significantly impaired during stresses, including infections.

When a disease such as inflammation, emphysema, or cystic fibrosis attacks the lungs, the large blood vessels that deliver oxygen and the small capillaries contract. Inhaled nitric oxide also relaxes these blood vessels, increasing the transfer of oxygen to the blood and reducing the load on the heart.

Doctors are interested in patients accessing this clinical trial. You can send an email to [email protected] with the appropriate patient details.

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