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Hawaii 2 Hollywood: local actresses reflect on portrayal of Hawaii in new Netflix movie Finding Ohana

Hawaii 2 Hollywood: local actresses reflect on portrayal of Hawaii in new Netflix movie Finding Ohana
Hawaii 2 Hollywood: local actresses reflect on portrayal of Hawaii in new Netflix movie Finding Ohana


HONOLULU (KHON2) – Netflix original film Finding Ohana follows a Hawaiian family from New York on the return trip to the islands.

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The film is a tribute to the Goonies with a local twist.

“The pidgin, the spam musubis, this is the real Hawaii you see,” said Lindsay Watson, who plays Hana in Finding Ohana.

The film features a star cast with local talent, including Hawaii-born Kelly Hu.

The main character, Pilialoha Kawena, is played by local girl Kea Peahu.

“I feel like it couldn’t have been a better experience,” said Kea Peahu, who plays Pili in Finding Ohana. “I wouldn’t have chosen any other type of person to do it with. I would not have chosen a different place.

It’s the perfect location for a reason.

“Especially since it was shot in Hawaii. I mean, I can say that my first movie that I ever shot was shot from my home, ”Peahu said.

In the film, Pili finds the diary of a mysterious pirate in his grandfather’s studio, alluding to a hidden treasure. The 12-year-old goes on an adventure with her older brother and new friends, as Hana played by Kamehameha School graduate Lindsay Watson in Maui.

“We just started going nonstop. Our days were long and there were some crazy stunts. I mean, the night shoots and all that crazy stuff. Then, I mean, it was pretty fun filming in Hawaii, but making the transition to Thailand was insane, ”Watson said.

From the mountain ranges of Kualoa to the caves of Thailand, production began in October 2019 and took 10 weeks to film.

“We were in waterfalls and caves. It was real, where we had a snake wrestler on set. Overall, the whole trip ended up being something that was life changing, ”Watson said.

Hawaiian culture consultants were also hired to guide the production of the film. Viewers will be able to capture over 100 olelo Hawaii words used throughout the film.

“Seeing it all come together as Hawaii and the first time I watched it, I had Hawaiians with me. I think our jaws have gone down because we’ve never seen ourselves portrayed onscreen like that, ”Watson said.

Through adventure and thrill, the actors hope the film will show the world the true importance of Ohana.

The cast are also hoping for a sequel, but nothing is set in stone yet.

Finding Ohana will be released on Netflix on January 29. For more information on the film, click here.

Digital journalist Kristy Tamashiro catches up with Kea Peahu who plays Pili in Finding Ohana and Owen Vaccaro who plays Casper.

Digital journalist Kristy Tamashiro catches up with Lindsay Watson who plays Hana in Finding Ohana and Alex Aiono who plays Ioane.

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