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Scientists decipher how the coronavirus quickly damages lung cells

Scientists decipher how the coronavirus quickly damages lung cells


They found that when SARS-CoV-2 took over, the metabolic processes of cells were completely altered. The virus even damages the nuclear envelope of cells within 3 to 6 hours after infection.

Months after an interdisciplinary study evaluating tens of thousands of lung cells infected with New coronavirusScientists have created one of the most comprehensive maps of molecular activity to date that are triggered within these cells at the onset of viral infection. This is an advance that could lead to the development of new drugs to combat COVID-19.

From their analysis, scientists, including those at Boston University in the United States, were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which could be reused to fight COVID-19 shortly after a person was infected. Discovered nearly 18 existing drugs. They said that five of these drugs could reduce the spread of coronavirus in human lung cells by more than 90%.

in the investigation, Published in the journal Molecular cellScientists co-infected tens of thousands of laboratory-grown human lung cells with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and tracked what was happening in these cells the moment after infection.

They said that these manipulated cells were not exactly the same as the living respiratory cells in our body, but were “closest to it.” “What makes this study unusual is that it looked at a very early point in time. [of infection]Only one hour after the virus infects lung cells. It was scary to see the virus already starting to damage cells very early in the infection. “

“The virus performs extensive remodeling of lung cells,” according to researchers. “The extent to which the virus controls infected cells is amazing,” said Andrew Emili, another co-author of the BU study.

Because the virus cannot replicate itself, it hijacks host cell mechanisms to make copies of the genetic material. In this study, scientists found that when SARS-CoV-2 took over, the metabolic processes of cells were completely altered. The virus even damages the nuclear envelope of cells within 3-6 hours of infection, which was very surprising.

In contrast, “cells infected with the deadly Ebola virus show no apparent structural changes in the early stages of these infections, and the nuclear envelope remains intact in the later stages of infection,” Mülberger said. Stated.

Scientists have explained that the nuclear envelope of a cell surrounds the nucleus, which holds most of the genetic information and controls and regulates normal cell function.

“The situation gets worse rapidly for the whole cell,” they said, as the coronavirus destroyed the nucleus. Studies show that lung cells normally play a role in maintaining the essential gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that occurs during respiration, but die under this siege. According to researchers, cells also emit distress signals that promote inflammation when they die, causing a cascade of biological activities that accelerate more cell death.

They explained that this ultimately led to pneumonia, acute respiratory distress, and lung failure. “I couldn’t predict many of these routes, most of them were news for me. That’s our reason. [] The model is very valuable, “says Andrew Wilson, one of the senior authors of the study.

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