Are you waiting for your second coronavirus vaccine in LA County?Need to contact this week
If you’ve been vaccinated for the first time on the Los Angeles County site and are waiting for your second vaccination, check out the booking link in this week’s email.
Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said at a media briefing that many should have already received an email confirming the location and date of their second dose by Monday afternoon and will meet soon. Some people can’t expect it.
“Email allows them to register to confirm the time of booking,” she said. “No one else can use these links.”
According to Feller, more than 85,000 reservation slots have been reserved for the second dose starting February 19th.
Notifications have also been sent to those who took the first shot at a site run by the city of Los Angeles, a pharmacy, or a clinic, Feller said.
“Every vaccination site receives a second dose each week, enough to schedule an appointment for an individual to receive the first dose at that site,” she said.
Most people can expect a second dose at the same place where they were first taken.
The exception is those who have been vaccinated at sites operated by two counties that are currently closed. Those who took the first shot at the Ritchie Valens Recreation Center took the second shot at Encino’s Balboa Sports Complex, and those who took the first shot at Hazard / Belvedere took the second shot at the El Sereno Recreation Center. To get.
Regulators recommend that the second dose of Pfizer vaccine be given approximately 21 days after the first dose, and that you wait 28 days for the second Moderna shot.
Los Angeles County officials are trying to bring people as close as possible to these benchmarks for a second shot, Feller said.But she Centers for Disease Control and Prevention People say they can wait up to 6 weeks from the first dose to the second dose.
“When we get the supply, there is no reason for people to worry about it, as it guarantees that they will go to their second dose first,” Feller said.
As of January 25, the county had administered nearly 80% of the more than 990,000 vaccine doses it received.
Data show that LA County has been vaccinated more than other large counties and cities in the United States so far, but the overall pace of vaccination remains slow due to limited supply. It remains.
“We apologize for the many difficulties people are experiencing in trying to secure appointments,” Feller said, adding that the county continues to increase the number of appointment call centers.
But “the biggest challenge is not having enough vaccine for everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated,” she said.
The director of public health said he hoped the vaccine would become more widespread by March.
At some point in the coming months, LA County’s vaccine distribution efforts State-wide network developed by Blue Shield, California.. Mr. Feller said LA County will continue to be a vaccine provider under that structure.
However, until the introduction of the new state system, the local network will consist of approximately 300 sites, including large public centers. Pharmacies; Hospitals; Federally qualified health centers and clinics.
click here Check your booking options on the county vaccine portal, or click here Go to the Los Angeles City Vaccine website.
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