Because the Hamiltonians Go Global: Jacqueline Fabius 95 – News
Over the past decade, Jacqueline Fabius 95 has asked herself this question as she contemplates a professional move: Does work have an impact on humanity?
In her many and varied career options over the years, Fabius has always followed her heart, but she sharpened her focus to that one point after living for four years in Haiti, where her parents belong and where much of her family lives.
Until 2010, after a deadly earthquake that devastated the impoverished country, Fabius visited her parents’ homeland but never lived. While she was watching televised images of death and destruction, she immediately knew she was going there to help somehow.
She found a way through a former high school principal she attended in Israel, her father worked on the operational side of the United Nations, so Fabius lived most of her life before Hamilton in Egypt and Israel. The former high school principal asked her if she would help him set up a school in Haiti for students whose chances of getting an education were shattered.
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Fabius left her small business management company and headed to Haiti, to help build the Haiti Children project. She and her other founders chose 50 children between the ages of 4 and 5 to enroll for an education through high school.
“The idea was to provide a completely progressive program, free of charge, to this group of children, and give them the kind of education that they would have had in an international school anywhere else in the world,” Fabius said.
The school opened in May 2010, and its first class is about to graduate. After working at the school for a year and a half, Fabius took a job running a United Nations sustainable development project in rural areas of southern Haiti. She moved to the US at the end of 2014 and is still a school counselor.
“Having a say in its creation and the direction it was heading in has definitely changed my life and the kind of things I want to be involved in. And so, I think, constantly looking for this influence on humanity in one way or another, Fabius said.
Which led her to her current position, Director of Operations at the Quantitative Biological Sciences Institute (QBI) at the University of California San Francisco. After she left Haiti, she met the institute’s new director, molecular biologist Nevan Krogan, who needed someone to help him manage the place. Its mission – to promote “collaboration across biomedicine and the physical sciences, and to search for quantitative methods to address pressing problems in biology and biomedicine.”
It felt like an occasion. Although Fabius did not have a scientific background, she was able to see the institute’s long-term impact on human health. She held this position, working with the director to create a global scientific collaboration to support research and discovery.
“We dreamed of different programs, different approaches; We’ve actually traveled around the world to meet scientists, go to different institutes, and create incredible relationships with people all over the world. ”
Fabius said the relationships forged by the institute bore fruit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Krogan refocused his laboratory exclusively on COVID, then rapidly expanded through QBI, the institute, to work collaboratively, particularly on drugs used against the virus, with dozens of other labs at UCSF and beyond.
“So my role was to build relationships and map collaborations, personally along with the director and interacting with scholars, but also in the background, with the full administrative apparatus that it takes to have all these collaborations as well as to manage the institute,” Fabius said.
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