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Like the flu, COVID-19 may turn out to be seasonal

Like the flu, COVID-19 may turn out to be seasonal


Tuesday, February 2, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Like influenza, COVID-19 can evolve into wax and decline with the seasons? New research suggests that it is possible.

In the early stages Pandemic, Some experts SARS-The virus that causes CoV-2-COVID-19-may behave like many others Coronavirus It circulates more widely in autumn and winter.

To find out if that was true, researchers analyzed COVID-19 data from 221 countries, including cases, mortality, recovery, laboratory rates, and hospitalization. Investigators have found a strong link between temperature and latitude.

“One conclusion is that the disease can be seasonal, like the flu. This is very much related to what we should expect from now on. vaccine It controls these first waves of COVID-19, “said senior research author Gustavo Caetano Anores.

The same research team previously identified a region of the SARS-CoV-2 viral genome that has undergone rapid mutation.

Because similar viruses have seasonally increased mutation rates, researchers have investigated the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 mutations and temperature, latitude, and longitude.

“Our results suggest that the virus is changing at its own pace and that mutations are affected by factors other than temperature and latitude. What these factors are exactly. I don’t know, but it can be said that the seasonal effects are independent of the genetic makeup of the virus. ” Caetano-Anollés said in a university news release.

The team added that further research is needed to learn more about how climate and different seasons affect COVID-19 rates.

The authors of the study suggested that people’s immune system could play a role.The· Immune system It contains vitamin D, which plays an important role in immunity. It can be affected by temperature and nutrition. Most people do not make enough vitamin D due to their low exposure to sunlight during the winter.

“We know that influenza is seasonal and we take a break during the summer, which gives us the opportunity to make an influenza vaccine next fall,” said Caetano-Anollés. “When we’re still in the midst of a raging pandemic, that break doesn’t exist. Perhaps learning how to boost the immune system is struggling to keep up with the ever-changing coronavirus. May help fight illness. “

This study was published online in the journal on January 26th. Evolutionary bioinformatics..

For more information

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19..

Source: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Release, January 27, 2021


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