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Faith: Is mRNA changing your DNA? -Orange leader

Faith: Is mRNA changing your DNA? -Orange leader
Faith: Is mRNA changing your DNA? -Orange leader


Karen Stevens

I wrote last week about the division that the COVID vaccine is causing among families, and I thought everyone had heard of the COVID vaccine mRNA. Upon further investigation, it seems that only a few have it.

The “m” in front of RNA stands for “messenger” and sounds exactly like that. A messenger in your body that conveys a message to others and expects them to carry out the message.

The CDC explains: “COVID-19 mRNA vaccine directs cells to make. a piece The so-called “peplomers” are found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is given to the muscles of the upper arm. When the instructions (mRNA) enter the immune cell, the cell uses them to make protein pieces. “

If you don’t know the above information, you probably haven’t heard that this is the first time mRNA has been used in a vaccine.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, they describe the vaccine as follows: “

I find it fascinating for scientists to understand these wonderful things that God created.

Colossians 1:16 “Everything in heaven and earth, whether visible or invisible, whether throne or ruler, ruler or authority, by him It was created.

All this research began 30 years ago. At that time, a few scientists began investigating whether vaccines could be made more easily. These scientists have learned how to modify mRNA so that it does not provoke a violent immune system response. That’s a scary idea!

Second, they learned how to encourage immune system cells to swallow mRNA as it passes through the blood.

Third, they learned how to induce those cells to make large amounts of important proteins.

Finally, they learned how to put mRNA in small capsules under a microscope to protect it from being destroyed by chemicals in the blood.

When antibiotics hit the market in the 1940s, they thought this was a breakthrough, but found that they were immunizing the system in that antibiotics didn’t work when they really needed it. .. It takes years to find something. Vaccines usually work It puts inactivated bacteria into the body to mimic the actual infection.

The mRNA vaccine tells cells to assemble viral proteins. These viral proteins train the immune system to recognize the virus and make antibodies against it. Therefore, mRNA is reprogramming our cells and systems.

Does every time I get a new program upgrade on my computer always seem to have some glitches? According to Geekwire, Bill Gates said: “With advances in tools such as artificial intelligence and gene-based editing technology, we have the opportunity to build this new generation of health solutions and make them available to everyone on the planet, and I am very pleased with this. “I’m excited,” Gates said in a keynote speech at the American Society for the Promotion of Science’s annual meeting in Seattle.

When my mother got cancer, she agreed to some treatment. After those treatments, she seemed unable to walk consistently. One day she said she couldn’t. The other day she said it hurts too much, and the other day she just gets out of her wheelchair and walks? I don’t know if she received mRNA therapy, but I know they have been testing cancer patients with mRNA for the past 30 years.

The doctor told us that the brain was sending false signals to her legs. Did she take the mRNA test, and did it malfunction her signal?

Science Magazine Kenger BarIn July 2019, it is called the “hidden layer of genetic regulation” and affects everything from cancer to memory. One excerpt state: M6A (methyl group-a simple chemical unit-bonded to the adenine bases of several RNA molecules) has also been found to be important in the brain. Through its leader, it controls the exact timing of new neuronal formation during mouse development, allowing axons to regenerate after nerve injury. The changes also enhance memory.When his team knocked out a gene6Mouse readers, otherwise normal animals, had memory impairment.

So is mRNA changing your DNA? I do not know.

In the words of King David in Chronicles 21:13, David said to God: Let me fall into the hands of the Lord for His mercy. is Great; but don’t let me fall into the hands of humans. “

Karen Y. Stevens is Executive Director of Meals on Wheels

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