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It’s a sin: TV dramas give hope to HIV testing rates in Oxfordshire

It’s a sin: TV dramas give hope to HIV testing rates in Oxfordshire


Almost a dozen people who tested positive for HIV in Oxfordshire were diagnosed late and faced an increased risk of death. The numbers for 3 years are shown.

According to the Terence Higgins Trust, Channel 4’s drama “It’s A Sin,” a sexual health charity, addresses the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and has helped drive HIV testing, but still does. There is something to do.

According to data from the UK Public Health Services, 32 of the 32 people over the age of 15 who tested HIV positive in Oxfordshire 11 were diagnosed between 2017 and 2019.

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Across the UK, 3,870 of the 8,979 tests were recorded as late diagnoses for the same period – 43 percent.

PHE figures also show that in 2019, 30% of Oxfordshire’s 22,000 people who used specialized sexual health services missed the opportunity to be examined in the clinic by not being offered an appointment or declining. Is shown.

The Terence Higgins Trust states that HIV testing should be standardized and checked when a person enrolls in a general practitioner or participates in an A & E.

He added that the new drama “It’s a Sin,” which has already received 6.5 million views, has already helped test a record number of orders ordered as part of last week’s National HIV Testing Week.

The five-part television series tells the story of a group of young gay men in London in the midst of an AIDS pandemic.

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Ian Green, Chief Executive Officer of the Terence Higgins Trust, said: [series actor] Olly Alexander’s encouragement on social media for people to take the test.

“It’s a brilliant legacy of the series.”

But he added: “Finding people infected with undiagnosed HIV requires more tests across the country, and there should never be a zip code lottery for access.

“The HIV test should be something like an eye test or seeing a dentist, and we need to have the opportunity to do so.”

Throughout the UK, late diagnosis rates have risen from 40% between 2014 and 2016.

A late diagnosis is recorded by measuring the strength of a person’s immune system at the time of a positive test result. The numbers are from a test that provides cell count data within 91 days.

According to PHE, many people diagnosed late have been infected for at least three years, increasing the likelihood of premature death.

Without treatment, HIV can cause AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is a collection of symptoms caused by weakened immunity that makes you more susceptible to life-threatening illnesses.

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HIV is transmitted from person to person through body fluids such as semen and blood and is most commonly caught by unprotected sex.

It cannot be disseminated through everyday contact such as cutlery sharing or kissing.

In Oxfordshire, the proportion of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 people over the age of 15 in 2019 was five.

This was below the national average, at 8 per 100,000.

Claire Perkins, Deputy Director of PHE’s Priority and Program, said: “We recommend that people at risk of HIV be tested regularly.

“Through early detection and treatment with antiretroviral therapy, people infected with HIV can be expected to live as long as people who are not infected with HIV.”

She said people at risk for HIV and STI could access services through a sexual health clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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