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UK COVID-19 mutants have become prominent in the United States, studies show

UK COVID-19 mutants have become prominent in the United States, studies show


Coronavirus variants first as the COVID-19 pandemic celebrates its first year Detected According to a recent survey, the United Kingdom is spreading rapidly throughout the United States.

The mutant, called the B.1.1.7 variant, has built a solid foothold throughout the Atlantic Ocean and is doubling every 9.8 days in the United States. This survey has not yet been peer reviewed and will be published on the preprint server on Sunday. medRxiv. Studies have found that the variant is predicted to become the dominant strain in the United States by March.

Other strains of South African and Brazilian origin have also raised concerns among epidemiologists.

“We are in a sort of competition between the rate at which mutations appear and the rate at which people can be vaccinated,” said Lee, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Vaccination, Campus Public Health. Riley said.

According to Riley, the British variant is more infectious than the original COVID-19 strain and can cause more serious illness and higher mortality. However, he added, it is unclear if the current trend will continue, as each new strain showed particularly high transmission rates at the time of emergence.

According to Riley, the first mutation observed in South African strains is also present in the United States, but was recently discovered in British strains. This mutation reduces the neutralizing effect of the antibody and reduces the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.

For example, in a test conducted in South Africa, where the former variant is widely distributed, three of the released vaccines showed significantly lower than average efficacy rates, Riley added.

Several first-appearing variants in Brazil have been found in the United States, but Riley said they were “worried” because of the pattern of reinfecting populations already infected with COVID-19. I will.

“As the pandemic progresses, we may continue to observe the emergence of new variants of CoV-2,” Britt Glaunsinger, a campus professor of plant and microbial biology, said in an email. “Sure, not all individual mutations or mutations are bad news for us. But some of them have an impact, so analyze new variants and see if they spread more rapidly. It needs to be evaluated whether it causes more serious illness or affects the effectiveness of existing vaccines. “

Both Riley and Glaunsinger discussed the important role of increased vaccination in suppressing the effects of such mutations. Glaunsinger added that extensive testing and sequencing of the virus is also essential for the detection of new variants.

It is especially important to detect these mutants, as many strains today show specific mutations that can interfere with the effects of immunization, Riley added. He also emphasized the importance of adhering to existing public security measures.

“We’re all experiencing pandemic malaise, but it’s not time to relax,” Glaunsinger said in an email. “Mask up!”

Annika Rao is a research and idea reporter.Please contact her at [email protected] Follow her on Twitter. @annikyr..

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