Today’s Illinois COVID Update: A record high 95K vaccine given to IL to report 2,092 new coronavirus cases, 53 deaths
![Today’s Illinois COVID Update: A record high 95K vaccine given to IL to report 2,092 new coronavirus cases, 53 deaths Today’s Illinois COVID Update: A record high 95K vaccine given to IL to report 2,092 new coronavirus cases, 53 deaths](
IDPH reports a total of 1,160,523 COVID-19 cases, including 19,926 deaths.
As of Friday night, 1,892 patients in Illinois were reported to be hospitalized with COVID-19. Of these, 425 patients were in the ICU and 202 COVID-19 patients were on mechanical ventilation.
The state-wide preliminary test positive rate for the 7 days from February 6th to 12th is 3.6%.
Related: Illinois COVID Vaccine Map shows the number of inhabitants vaccinated by the county
Healthcare providers in Illinois, including Chicago, received a total of 2,125,375 vaccines, an additional 445,200 were assigned to federal partners in long-term care facilities, bringing the total number of vaccines provided in Illinois to 2,570,575. I did.
Vaccine reservations are still in short supply, even for those who were eligible before the expansion of Group 1B. Minority vaccination efforts continue to be inadequate, with women being shot by a 2: 1 difference over men, according to data reviewed by the ABC7 I-Team.
According to IDPH, vaccine distributions are reported in real time, with vaccines being delayed by as much as 72 hours.
IDPH reports a total of 1,724,187 vaccinations, including 238,075 in long-term facilities. The 7-day moving average of the vaccine administered was 61,384, the highest ever.
The state reported a record number of 95,000 vaccines given on Friday, saying that 10% of Illinois received the first dose of the vaccine.
The federal government plans to ship vaccines to poorly serviced communities
Starting in March, the COVID-19 vaccine will be sent to a federal-funded health center in an underserved community throughout Illinois, Governor JB Pritzker announced Friday.
“What we can’t do is that the distribution of the vaccine exacerbates the inequality that existed long before COVID-19,” Pritzker said. “Inequality that I commit and continue to commit to eliminate.”
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, the vaccine will be shipped to a federal-accredited health center, also known as FQHC. The special program will begin at centers nationwide on Monday, but Illinois health officials do not plan to ship until mid-March.
Dr. Goji Ezike, Pritzker and the state’s chief health official, made a presentation at Aunt Martha’s Health and Wellness Center in Chicago Heights. According to Aunt Martha’s Chief Financial Officer Mary Martin, various locations in Aunt Martha are currently preparing for these federal shipments.
“The federal government will give it from another supply so that it doesn’t separate from the Illinois quota,” Dr. Edike said. “This is on top of what Illinois gets.”
Related: Illinois Coronavirus Testing: Where to Test for COVID-19 in Illinois, Chicago
At a press conference with the governor, competition for more vaccines was involved, especially when Aunt Martha’s CEO Raul Garza announced on February 2 that her father Raymond Garsa had died of COVID-19. 82-year-old Chesterton, Indiana I got a COVID around the New Year and wasn’t eligible to get a shot.
“My father, Raymond Garza, like many, did not have the opportunity to be vaccinated. At the time of his life, it was not given to him. People made that decision. I hope I can do it, “Raul said. ..
At this time, it is unclear whether the number of federal-funded health centers in Illinois will receive federal vaccine shipments.
According to the CDC, the program’s first health center will serve public housing residents, migrant or seasonal agricultural workers, patients with limited English proficiency, and people experiencing homelessness.
Walgreens began vaccination of people eligible for the disease on Friday. They prioritize healthcare professionals over the age of 65 and healthcare professionals in their existing condition. Earlier this week Walgreens site crashed When a person who wants a vaccine hurries to apply.
How much protection does the COVID-19 vaccine provide?How Vaccinated People Should Approach To Meet Others
The deaths reported on Saturday are:
-Champaign County: 1 woman in her 30s, 1 woman in her 50s, 1 man in her 70s, 1 man in her 80s, 1 woman in her 90s
-Clark County: One man from the 70’s
-Cook County: 2 women in their 70s, 1 man in their 70s, 1 man in their 80s, 1 woman in their 90s, 1 man in their 90s
-DuPage County: 1 man in his 50s, 2 women in his 70s, 1 woman in his 80s, 1 woman in his 90s, 2 men in his 90s
-Edwards County: 1 man in his 40s
-Franklin County: 1 woman in her 60s
-Gallatin County: One Woman in the 80’s
-Jefferson County: One woman in her 60s
-Johnson County: One man from the 80’s
-Lake County: 1 man in his 40s, 3 men in his 70s
-LaSalle County: One man in the 90’s
-Macon County: 1 woman in her 60s
-Madison County: 1 man in the 70’s, 1 man in the 80’s
-McLean County: One man in the 90’s
-Monroe County: Two 70’s Men
-Peoria County: 1 male in 50s, 1 male in 60s, 1 male in 70s, 1 male in 80s, 1 female in 90s
-Rock Island County: 1 man in his 40s
-Sarine District: 1 man in his 60s
-St. Clair County: 1 man in the 70’s, 1 woman in the 80’s, 1 man in the 90’s
-Stephenson County: 1 woman in the 80’s, 1 man in the 80’s
-Tazewell County: 1 man in the 90’s
-Vermilion County: 1 woman in the 70’s, 1 man in the 80’s
-Wayne County: One woman in the 90’s
-Will County: One woman in the 90’s
-Williamson County: One Woman in the 90’s
Copyright © 2021 WLS-TV. all rights reserved.
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