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Detailed genome map of malaria vector


Scientists have uncovered the detailed genome of the malaria mosquito vector and revealed thousands of new genes that are essential for the development of genetic control strategies for disease transmission.

The researchers included researchers from the Tata Institute for Genetics and Society (TIGS) and the Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology in Bangalore.

Scientists need complex knowledge of the vector mosquito genome to design advanced defenses against malaria infections, such as targeted CRISPR and gene drive-based strategies.

CRISPR technology is a gene editing tool that allows researchers to easily modify DNA sequences and alter gene function.

Mahul Chakraborty and colleagues, project scientists at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), have created a new reference genome for malaria vectors in Asia. Anopheles.

Newly upgraded Anopheles Genome, the team previously evaded scrutiny, unearthed more than 3,000 genes that provide targets for fresh gene drives, and played a key role in blood sucking and ingested blood meal metabolism, reproduction, and immunity to microbial parasites. I am.The study was published in BMC biology.

“This reference genome and its superior quality should help malaria biologists in India and other countries, especially given the national goal of eradicating malaria in India by 2030,” said Suresh Subramani, TIGS Global Director. Says. Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of California, San Diego.

The findings include 29 previously undetected genes that play an important role in resistance to chemical pesticides. This is a development that will help us cope with the growing Asia and Africa. ..Stefancy Researchers also said that populations with pesticide resistance mutations also provide clues to suggest that the molecular basis of pesticide resistance may vary by gender.

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