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4 vitamins to help protect against COVID-19

4 vitamins to help protect against COVID-19


As we continue to face Challenges of COVID-19, We are also learning about the virus itself, and new ways to protect yourself from its harmful and sometimes protracted side effects. According to new research, supplements may play a role in protecting against the negative consequences of COVID-19, especially vitamins K, D, C, and zinc.

Humans can get some of these micronutrients from food and the sun, but these methods are not always sufficient to supply the full amount the body needs. Recent studies suggest that supplementing our body with these essential vitamins and minerals may help fight COVID-19.

Vitamin K. Vitamin K is recognized for its function in cardiovascular health, but researchers have found that it may also be beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19. A recent study by a team at Bispebjerg Hospital in Denmark found that people hospitalized with COVID-19 had low vitamin K levels, and vitamin K deficiency was one factor predicting high patient mortality. It was.

In addition, respiratory failure is the main concern in COVID-19 patients, but another notable result is thrombosis, or thrombus formation. Studies by researchers at the Canissius Wilhelmina Hospital in the Netherlands have shown that optimal levels of vitamin K play an important role in controlling blood clots and lung health. These studies suggest that increasing vitamin K intake may improve patient health when fighting COVID-19.

Vitamin D. Vitamin D, known primarily for its ability to strengthen bones, may also play an important role in strengthening the body’s defenses against COVID-19. An open letter signed by more than 100 scientific, health and medical experts argues that vitamin D intake can reduce COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality. These experts explain that a deficiency of vitamin D can reduce the immune response. Therefore, increasing vitamin D levels, especially in at-risk groups, can reduce COVID-19-related deaths.

Vitamin C. It is not surprising that vitamin C, which is already widely recognized for its ability to boost the immune system and is commonly used during the flu and cold seasons, may be involved in COVID-19 therapy. A recent study published by the scientific journal Nutrients not only helps vitamin C reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms, but also supports resistance to pneumonia, a common result of COVID-19. Researchers claim that it may help. Many hospitalized patients are deficient in vitamin C, so increasing their intake of this antioxidant may be beneficial.

zinc. Zinc is a micronutrient that is also known for its role in immune health. A recent study published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases has shown that zinc deficiency can increase the severity of COVID-19 cases and prolong hospitalization. Another study published by the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that the use of zinc as an additional therapy reduced mortality and improved outcomes in mild and moderate COVID-19 cases. However, too much zinc can have adverse effects, so you should consult your doctor about the appropriate dosage.

Further studies are being conducted on a regular basis, but this promising study shows that vitamin K, D, C, and zinc supplementation improves overall immune function and protects against more serious COVID-19 results. Indicates that it may be useful for. As always, it is highly recommended that you make important health decisions and consult your doctor before introducing a new supplement.

Danny Curtin is Executive Vice President of. Arthur Andrew Medical.. Prior to joining Arthur Andrew Medical, Danny was a personal trainer and expert in nutrition, supplements, sleep and meditation. Danny currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.

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