Sugared Soda Related to Increased Risk of Death from Breast Cancer: Study
Researchers at the University of Buffalo compared the health status of breast cancer patients who “drinked no or little non-diet soda” with those who reported drinking non-diet soda more than five times a week.
Research published in Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and preventionWe have found that people who regularly drink sugared beverages are at increased risk of dying for any reason, especially those from breast cancer.
The researchers evaluated the relationship between sugared soda and all causes and breast cancer mortality in 927 women diagnosed with breast cancer between the ages of 35 and 79 years. Participants have been enrolled in the Western New York Exposures and Breast Cancer (WEB) Study. Median tracked for nearly 19 years.
The study used a food intake frequency questionnaire to assess participants’ food and drink intake during the 12-24 months prior to breast cancer diagnosis.
Of the women diagnosed with breast cancer, 41% died by the end of the follow-up period. The study found that among the deceased participants, a higher proportion of women reported more frequent consumption of sugar-sweetened soda than women who were still alive.
Women who reported consumption of this level of sugar beverages were 62% more likely to die for any reason, especially 85% more likely to die of breast cancer.
When researchers included diet soda consumption as a variable, the relevance did not change.
Soda consumption is associated with many adverse health effects, including weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. However, the study of soda and breast cancer is quite new, says Nadia Koirati, the lead author of the study. To date, few observational studies have investigated the association between sugared beverages and cancer mortality.
“This study is one of the few studies that examined the prognosis of women with breast cancer for non-diet soda intake.”Koirati said.
Koyratty, a PhD candidate in the Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health at UB’s Public Health College, said that breast cancer is relatively common, so recommendations for lifestyle choices for breast cancer survivors are “quite important.” I added that.
Why focus on non-diet sodas?
“Non-diet sodas are the biggest contributors to sugar and extra calories, but they bring nothing nutritionally beneficial.“Koilati explained.
“On the other hand, tea, coffee and 100% fruit juice are healthier beverage options because they are nutritious through antioxidants and vitamins, unless sugar is added.”She suggested.
Sugar-sweetened soda contains large amounts of sucrose and fructose, which makes it more glycemic than other foods and drinks. These high levels of glucose and insulin can lead to conditions associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, the researchers said.
“More research is needed to confirm our findings, but this study provides evidence that diet can affect the longevity of women after breast cancer.”JoL. Freudenheim, senior author of the study, concluded.
“Sugar-sweetened soda consumption and total breast cancer mortality and breast cancer mortality: Western New York Exposure and Breast Cancer (WEB) Studies”
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention
Gave: 58/1055-9965.EPI-20-1242
Author: Koyratty, N. , et al.
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