Texas teachers tested positive for COVID-19 after vaccination
Experts explain how rare outbreaks can occur
Austin (KXAN) —As vaccinations open to more Texas people on Monday Eligible to line up in Phase 1C, A local teacher says her story shows why people still have to take the safety of COVID-19 seriously.
Paige Crain says he tested positive for the coronavirus rear Get her shot.
“This, this freedom, and this joy that comes with being vaccinated,” said Crane, who took his second modern shot in February.
The teacher says she has begun to take a little freedom.
“For the first time in a year, I felt like I was able to take a sip of water under my mask. I hadn’t done it before,” she said.
But most of the time, Crane says she was still paying attention. Her youngest is at high risk.
So, about two weeks later, I was surprised when it turned out that what I thought was a mild cold was actually COVID-19.
“I never thought it would be positive,” Crain said.
Infectious disease and control specialist Dr. Charles Lerner says no vaccine is 100% effective.
“It’s a simple arithmetic. The vaccine is 95% effective. Translation: 1 in 20 vaccinated people will have a clinical illness,” said the Texas Medical Association’s COVID-19 Task Force. Learner says.
Why is that 5% failure rate? According to Lerner, some people may have genetic mutations that increase their susceptibility to the coronavirus and their resistance to vaccines.
Another reason someone can get the virus after firing, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is that it usually takes several weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination.
Lerner also states that the COVID-19 vaccine is less effective against some new coronavirus variants.
“Two weeks after the second dose, the immune system isn’t suddenly weakened … the day before. It’s all gradual,” Lerner said.
Even if you get the virus after vaccination, it’s unlikely that you’ll get infected with others or you’ll really get sick, Lerner said.
“Your case can be very mild, so the treatment you choose is Tylenol,” he said.
Crane, who has an underlying condition, says the vaccine is still giving her peace of mind.
“I’m not as scared as I used to be. I don’t think I’ll have to go to the hospital next minute,” she said.
However, the possibility of contraction is the reason why it is important for both her and Lerner to wear a mask and maintain a social distance.
“It’s not that bad, but I’m still sick. Still, I need to know where my husband is looking at my children and I can’t get my grandparents to help me,” Crane said.
“We know that masking is paramount because masking data shows a dramatic reduction in properly masked healthcare professionals,” says Lerner.
He says that if you get infected with the coronavirus after being vaccinated, you should not try another injection. He says it hasn’t been studied, so there’s no data to support whether it’s effective.
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