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Validation: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitant Meme Checklist Can Be Misleading

Validation: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitant Meme Checklist Can Be Misleading
Validation: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitant Meme Checklist Can Be Misleading


The long Q & A image circulates social media with false information and diagonal questions.

The image titled “COVID-19 Vaccine Q & A”, which was recently talked about on social media, seems to provide a list of vaccine-related facts, but VERIFY found the meme to be misleading. ..

Memes compare vaccine Boarding an aircraft without safety testing. It contains a 14-item checklist that falsely suggests that the coronavirus vaccine is unsafe. Memes are trending on several social media platforms, with users receiving checklists at face value.


Is the Q & A for this COVID-19 vaccine correct?


Using the “yes” and “no” forms, this meme contains incorrect information and may omit the Q & A context, along with some misleading questions. The checklist includes the credit line Digital Signposts related to Plandemic. 25 minutes video on Youtube I pulled it because of incorrect information. The list of sources includes several groups who oppose routine immunization, opponents of water fluoridation, and supporters of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus.

Here is a brief summary of the answer. A combination of related questions.

Claim: The vaccine is and has not undergone medium- to long-term safety testing in humans.

Context required: While mRNA vaccines are certainly , they are being tested for safety and the science of these types of vaccines has evolved over the years.

Vaccines are not Technically approvedThe FDA states on its website that it has been “rigorously tested.” They were in the final stages of the trial — when given to thousands of people — The FDA has given them an emergency use authorization, Or EUA. Vaccine expert and InDemic Foundation, VERIFY, “99.5% of the” experiments “of these vaccines have been completed, and the safety and efficacy data are very good. “.

Claim: The vaccine was not safely tested in animals

FALSE: In fact, the COVID-19 vaccine has been tested in animals.

The study included mice, rats, hamsters, and monkeys. Medical Association for Responsible Medical Care.. The National Biotechnology Information Center Primates And mouse Use the mRNA vaccine.

Claim: The effect is irreversible

Misleading: There is no evidence of serious side effects that reverse in the first place.

For all vaccines, “There have been no serious side effects that have not occurred in history … Within 6 weeks of taking.” Dr. Paul Offit A member of the Philadelphia Children’s Hospital Vaccine Education Center said in a video. So far, he says, he hasn’t had any serious side effects specific to the COVID-19 vaccine.List of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Minor temporary side effects.. There are rare cases of allergic reactions, which can occur with other vaccines.

Claim: The vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading COVID, and you still have to wear a mask

Context required: These claims are almost always true, but some explanation is needed.

Vaccines prevent the overwhelming majority of recipients from getting sick, but the CDC recommends wearing a mask because there are still doubts about the infection.

“COVID-19 vaccine Effective in preventing illnessScientists are still learning how well vaccines prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 to others, even if they are asymptomatic, “says the CDC.Therefore, I was vaccinated You need to keep wearing the mask, It says.

Claims: Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines contain aborted fetal or monkey cells

FALSE: According to vaccine experts, the COVID-19 vaccine does not contain fetal or monkey cells.

Dr. William Moss, Secretary-General of the Johns Hopkins International Vaccine Access Center, said the AstraZeneca vaccine is derived from adenovirus grown in a fetal-derived kidney cell line that was discontinued in 1972, but does not contain the fetal cells themselves. Said. For clarity, he said the cell line did not grow directly in the fetal tissue. Dr. Amesh Adalja, A senior Johns Hopkins scholar said the Johnson and Johnson vaccine was manufactured as well and did not contain fetal cells. Monkeys were used in vaccine research and safety testing.

Claim: Vaccines have long-term effects on fertility

FALSE: Experts say there is no evidence that the vaccine affects long-term fertility.

There is “no evidence” that the COVID-19 vaccine can affect the fertility of women or men. British Medical Journal It states in a report on guidance from the Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists and the British Society of Infertility.

The· University of Chicago If a woman is receiving fertility treatment, she states that she should continue treatment and be vaccinated. It advises women to talk to their doctor about any concerns.

Claim: Vaccines carry the risk of autoimmune diseases, strokes, seizures, convulsions and other side effects

FALSE: There is no evidence that the vaccine causes most of the side effects described, and the serious side effects that can occur are very rare.

Repeated Dr. Ofit has a history of serious side effects in the first 6 weeks of using the vaccine.was there Rare reports of anaphylaxis, Or after an allergic reaction, shot, CDC says. Fever, a common side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, Causes seizures in people with epilepsy, The Epilepsy Foundation says. Still, the Foundation urges vaccination.There was a concern Blood clot A few Europeans who received the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has not been approved by US researchers in Germany, said they had found a cause and a targeted treatment for blood clots.

Claim: Vaccine caused casualties

FALSE: Authorities have not yet tracked deaths from the vaccine.

“By reviewing available clinical information such as death certificates, autopsy, medical records, etc. No evidence of vaccination It contributed to the death of the patient, “says the CDC.

Claim: The vaccine manufacturer is not responsible for any injuries or deaths caused by the vaccine.

true: Vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability, with a few exceptions, if something goes wrong unintentionally.

under PREP method, Abbreviation for US Public Preparation and Emergency Preparation Act, manufacturers are exempt from liability in the event of an unintentional problem with a vaccine, with a few exceptions. Otherwise, New England Journal of Medicine The manufacturer says it did not agree to the procurement contract or the shipment of the vaccine.

Claim: Some doctors and scientists advise people not to vaccinate

Misleading: Yes, there are several, but major US physician organizations recommend that people be vaccinated.

Dr. Sandra Freihofer, American Medical Association A liaison with the CDC Vaccination Advisory Committee encourages doctors to tell patients: My recommendation to you is to go for it. ” The· American Academy of Family Physics Similarly, “advise patients to take the first vaccine available to them,” he said.The· American Association of Universities of Osteopathic Medicine It also stands behind the vaccinated patient.

Relation: Verification: Yes, fully vaccinated people can spread COVID-19

Relation: Validation: Are some groups likely to report vaccine side effects?

Relation: Validation: Should I avoid other vaccinations immediately before or after taking a COVID shot?

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