Pentagon develops a microchip that detects COVID under your skin
Pentagon medical researchers have created a microchip that detects COVID-19 when inserted under the skin.
Relaxed Conspiracy Theorists — They are not spread through vaccines.
The innovative technology was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which operates under the Department of Defense, according to Sunday night. Broadcast of “60 Minutes”. The top secret unit was launched during the Cold War to research new military technologies. Among them are innovations to protect soldiers from biological weapons.
Former Army Colonel Dr. Matt Hepburn, an infectious disease doctor, reveals that a microchip that is not widely used outside the Pentagon can detect an individual’s COVID-19 well before the occurrence of zero patients. did.
“We challenge the research community to come up with solutions that may sound like science fiction,” he added, adding that his role at DARPA is to “stop the pandemic.”
Hepburn compared the diagnostic microchip with the car’s “check engine” alert.
in spite of Conspiracy theory to insist Microsoft’s Bill Gates uses vaccines as a means of inserting a microscope’s Global Positioning System into our body. “60 Minutes” revealed that DARPA chips do not “track all movements.” Nor is it managed through shots, as Twitter detectives ponder.
“It’s a sensor,” Hepburn told CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker. “The little green thing there is under the skin. It indicates that a chemical reaction is taking place in the body. The signal means that symptoms will appear tomorrow.”
Microchips embedded in tissue-like gels are designed to continuously test the chip recipient’s blood for the presence of the virus. When COVID-19 is detected, the chip warns the patient to perform a prompt blood test. It is self-managing and confirms positive results.
“That information is available in 3-5 minutes,” says Hepburn. “When you truncate that time, when you diagnose and treat, what you do is stop the infection by that route.”
This segment also revealed a technology that allows standard dialysis machines to remove COVID-19 from blood using customized filters. Blood passes through a machine, where it is detoxified and then pumped back into the body in a continuous stream until the body clears the virus.
The military spouse, called “Patient 16,” has survived serious illnesses such as organ failure and septic shock thanks to the new dialysis machine. Treatment lasted 4 days, after which patient 16 fully recovered.
DARPA scientists are working to prevent outbreaks in crowded military areas, where 1,271 crew members tested positive for the coronavirus outbreak in USS Theodore Roosevelt in March and April 2020. They state that their research is very important.
Pentagon researchers continue to study COVID-19, and many of their studies have revealed new ways to detect and develop antibodies in about 10 weeks, which is only part of the previously required 6-24 months. Including, it is important to prevent pandemics.
Ultimately, they hope to bridge the gap between new disease detection and vaccine development.
Ultimately, DARPA scientist Dr. James Crow said, “We will start with blood samples from survivors … and will give you a cure injection within 60 days.”
“For us, at DARPA, if experts laugh at you and say it’s impossible, you’re in the right place,” Hepburn said.
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