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Spring allergies: causes, symptoms, treatments

Spring allergies: causes, symptoms, treatments


  • Spring allergies are mainly due to pollen from cedar trees and other spring flowering plants.
  • The main symptoms of spring allergies are sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and swelling.
  • Allergies can be treated with nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, and saline nasal irrigation.
  • For more information, visit Insider’s HealthReference library.

Seasonal allergies
Also called I have a fever Allergic rhinitis is caused by allergens such as pollen and makes you feel miserable.

These allergies are usually worst in spring, when pollen counts are high.

Here’s everything you need to know about spring allergies, from causes to symptoms, treatment and prevention.


Pollen is the most common trigger for seasonal allergies, according to American Asthma Allergy Foundation (AAFA).about 19.2 million adults in the United States Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) diagnosed with pollen-related hay fever.

These types of allergies can be particularly common, as pollen is very prevalent and increases each year.In fact, one Research Pollen numbers are projected to double by 2040 due to factors such as climate change.

These small grains are released from grass, weeds and trees. They float in the air and fertilize other plants. Tree and grass pollen becomes more abundant in spring as these plants revive and reproduce. Weed pollen is most common in late summer and autumn.

Some of the trees and grasses that commonly cause spring allergies are:

  • Sugi tree
  • Birch tree
  • Oak tree
  • Bermudagrass
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Ryegrass

Spring allergies are more prevalent in some parts of the United States, including the East Coast, mainly due to higher-than-average pollen counts.TheĀ· Top 3 cities in the United States Seasonal allergies include Richmond, Virginia, Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Springfield, Massachusetts.

In addition to pollen, seasonal allergies can also be caused by small aerial mold spores. If you live in a humid or poorly ventilated house, or if you work in areas such as agriculture, bakery, or carpentry, you may be exposed to mold.

Exposure to allergens such as pollen and mold spores is not really dangerous, but it can be misunderstood by the immune system as harmful to the body. This helps the immune system protect the body by releasing chemicals such as histamine that cause allergic symptoms.


The main symptoms of spring allergies are:

  • sneeze
  • Runny nose, itchy nose
  • Inflamed, swollen eyes
  • My throat is faint
  • Stuffy nose or stuffy nose

“Usually, people with seasonal allergies have them for years,” says Dr. Sandralin, MD, Deputy Director of Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. People with a family history of these allergies are also at higher risk.

Some people experience severe allergic symptoms, while others have only mild reactions. Differences can depend on environmental factors such as genetic susceptibility to allergens and increased exposure to allergens such as pollen, which is common in the spring.

If your spring allergies recur, you should have your medicine on hand and take precautions before the season of allergies begins.


To limit your exposure to pollen during the spring, you can do the following:

  • Stay indoors as much as possible, especially in the early morning when pollen is high.
  • Keep the windows closed and, if possible, use an air conditioner with a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter.
  • Use a dehumidifier to dry the air in the room.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses outdoors to prevent pollen from getting into your eyes and hair.
  • Wearing a mask outdoors can also help filter pollen particles, Lin says.
  • Please change your clothes and wash after outdoor activities. Dry in a dryer, not outdoors.
  • Take a bath and wash your hair before going to bed to prevent pollen from adhering to your bedding. Wash your bedding with hot water once a week.


Most spring allergies can be treated at home with medications and home remedies.

Seek medical attention if the symptoms are severe and interfere with daily activities. Allergy shot For more effective long-term treatment.

Allergic drug

Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications are available to relieve allergic symptoms. These include:

  • Corticosteroid Nasal spray Reduces swelling of the nasal passages. For the most effective nasal drops, Lin says you should start using OTC corticosteroid sprays such as Fronase at least two weeks before the pollen season begins.
  • AntihistamineBy blocking the immune system from producing histamine, it reduces congestion, sneezing, eye irritation, and itching of the skin. Examples include Claritin, Allegra and Zyrtec.
  • Decongestant, Shrinks the lining of the nasal cavity to eliminate stuffy nose and make breathing easier. Oral decongestants include Sudafed and Musinex. Alternatively, you can use nasal drops of congestion-relieving drugs such as afrin.

Home remedies for allergies

The following natural remedies, along with medications, may be effective in relieving allergic symptoms:

  • Saline nasal irrigation. Rinsing the sinuses with saline can reduce stuffy nose. Lynn says rinsing with saline can help if you are doing gardening or other outdoor activities.Squeeze bottle or Netipot, A small container with a spout. Be sure to use distilled water, and be sure to rinse the container with distilled water after use.
  • butterbur.. This herb may help relieve allergic symptoms without causing drowsiness. A Research Of the 125 people with seasonal allergies, taking Butterbar tablets daily for two weeks was found to be as effective as taking antihistamines such as cetirizine (Zyrtec).
  • acupuncture..Yes Some evidence The acupuncture may be beneficial in relieving seasonal allergic symptoms. Acupuncture may help calm your body’s response to allergens.
  • Foods rich in quercetin. Onions, garlic, broccoli, grapes and berries contain quercetin. Quercetin is known to be a plant pigment. Anti-allergic properties Prevents the release of histamine.

If you are interested in purchasing these treatments, there is a purchasing guide to help Insider Reviews. Best allergy and home remedies..

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