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The 17-year-old girl died of sepsis on a school trip in New York after “the teacher wanted to see the sights rather than asking for help.”

The 17-year-old girl died of sepsis on a school trip in New York after “the teacher wanted to see the sights rather than asking for help.”


Interrogations heard that the parents of a girl who died of sepsis during her school trip in New York felt that her teacher was more interested in seeing tourist attractions than getting her help.

Anna Uglow, 17, was sick for a week before collapsing in a hotel room during a history trip to the United States.

Ana Uglow, 17, from Bristol, died on a school trip to New York.


Ana Uglow, 17, from Bristol, died on a school trip to New York.Credit: SWNS
She attended Bristol Grammar School


She attended Bristol Grammar SchoolCredit: Alamy

However, the teen, who was six students at Bristol Grammar School, told his family that her concerns were not taken seriously because he had difficulty breathing during the Empire State Building tour.

She died in the hospital the next day after being destroyed by blood from her nose and mouth.

And her mother, Natalia Uglow, felt her daughter was too focused on enjoying visits to historic buildings throughout the United States rather than dealing with her ongoing illness. I told the official.

The coroner heard that the day before her death, the group was told she was going on a walking tour around Harlem, but she demanded that she stay at the hotel.

Later, it was discovered that she had taken the tour. After that, I went shopping before taking an evening tour of the Empire State Building.

The next morning, on December 19, 2019, she was found lying in a hotel room and died in the hospital later that day.

A statement by Natalia, Anna’s mother in Bristol, said in court: “Anastasia said she was worried that she might have a chest infection, much worse, fever and a cough.

“The teachers really annoyed her because she was out of breath and exhausted and couldn’t keep walking, but they just ignored her and continued.

Anna felt that the Bristol Grammar School teacher was more interested in viewing the site than getting her help.


Anna felt that the Bristol Grammar School teacher was more interested in viewing the site than getting her help.Credit: Alamy

“She said they were’real history fanatics and they only care about chasing those sites and are very excited about them.’

“I was worried about her and told Anastasia to talk to her teacher, see her doctor, and then call me back.

“I exaggerated her symptoms as needed to get the results and told her to say that her parents were worried, I also offered to talk to them myself I did. “

Coroners heard that the group arrived in the United States on December 14, led by Ellis Claire and Rory Hambury.

They spent a few days looking at the sights of Washington before boarding the train to New York on December 17th-on the way to Philadelphia for that day.

Mr. Hambury said he knew that Anna had “a stuffy nose and was coughing intermittently” when she arrived in New York, and said she was “falling down with a cold” the next day.

Anna was absent from school for a few days and stayed at her home in Bristol before traveling on December 12. The mother had expressed concern about her condition before she left.

Hanbury, Anna’s history teacher and form teacher, said she had never been personally informed about why she was absent.

Anna had a hard time breathing during the Empire State Building tour


Anna had a hard time breathing during the Empire State Building tourCredit: Alamy

In his evidence, he said he reminded Anna that the day before she died, before her evening trip to the Empire State Building, they spent the afternoon free.

He said he would be with her if she wanted to stay in the hotel, but she eventually decided to continue the tour.

Mr. Hambury then said he chose to go shopping in the afternoon rather than relaxing at the hotel.

He said: “It sounds absolutely terrible to say it now, but I was a little frustrated as she went shopping all afternoon.

“I didn’t tell her this, but I was wondering,’Why didn’t you rest this afternoon?'”

Even on the evening of December 18, Mr. Hambury admitted that there was no major concern for Anna other than the suspicion of the cold.

“That night I had no serious concerns about her health,” he added.

“Yes, I have an escalation and I have responded to that escalation.

“Looking back now, I wish it wasn’t at the time when it seemed completely rational, benefiting from hindsight.

“But given the situation at the time, I couldn’t imagine the escalation that would occur the next morning.”

Symptoms of sepsis to watch out for

Sepsis, also called blood poisoning or sepsis, is a reaction to an infection that causes the body to damage its own organs and tissues.

The body’s immune system becomes overdriven.

It is important to be detected as quickly as possible, as sepsis can lead to shock, multiple organ failure, and death, as if it were detected and not treated promptly.

The symptoms to be aware of are:

  • Indistinct speech caused by a lack of blood supply to the brain
  • Mottled or discolored skin can appear anywhere on the body
  • Extreme tremors and muscle aches due to lack of oxygen
    Do not allow urine to pass for 24 hours as the kidneys will fail
  • Severe shortness of breath when the body senses that it does not have enough oxygen to reach the brain.
  • Illness increases the “drive” that breathes to increase it.It can also lead to fast breathing or fast heartbeat
  • high temperature
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Changes in mental status such as confusion and disorientation
    Swelling of the affected area

At the hearing, I heard Anna knock on Mr. Hambury’s door at the beginning of December 19 and felt “a little anxious” and “suffering” according to the teacher.

I found blood on my pillow on suspicion of nosebleeds, but soon after I returned to my room I fell asleep.

Shortly after that morning, Mr. Hambury was spending time making Anna comfortable when she fell.

“When she fell forward, blood began to bleed from her nose and mouth,” he added.

“It didn’t look like blood-it looked pinky and bubbling.”

Mr. Hambury immediately called 911 and proceeded to carry out CPR.

A Sixth Form student was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where she was sentenced to death.

Anna’s father, David, said in a statement that he received a text from the principal at 3:16 pm with the number of a social worker called a page.

He added:

“She said Mr. Hambury intended to stay in her room that morning. I stopped her asking if Anastasia was alive or dead.

“She said the medical staff was supposed to get a pulse in the ambulance, but not in the hospital again.

“She burst into tears and said that at the age of 17, such deaths were rare.”

The cause of Anna’s death was read aloud today at the Avon Coroners Court: “Influenza AH3 Bronchopneumonia and Sepsis Exacerbating Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.”

Inquests will continue this week, with evidence from medical professionals and other witnesses.

After developing sepsis, I lost my toes and fingers with a carnivorous insect

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