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Hisham “gas explosion”: Three homes were destroyed while neighbors woke up to flee from the blast

Hisham “gas explosion”: Three homes were destroyed while neighbors woke up to flee from the blast
Hisham “gas explosion”: Three homes were destroyed while neighbors woke up to flee from the blast


A child was killed and four adults were injured when a suspected gas exploded in three homes in the middle of the night.

A major accident was announced in Hesham, Lancashire, and nearby residents were evacuated.

Aerial photos show the debris of several properties on the balcony, as emergency workers search through the rubble.

Residents say they woke up to the sound of an explosion around 2.30 am on Sunday morning.

Lancashire Police said in a statement: “We remain at the site of a suspected gas explosion.

“We were summoned at 2.40 am this morning, to report the collapse of a number of houses on the road,” he added.

“Our officers attended and found two houses collapsed and severe damage to third properties,” he added.

“We can now unfortunately confirm the death of a small child as a result of the accident. The family has been informed and our thoughts are still with them at this sad time.

A child was killed and four adults were injured

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Four other people, two men and two women, were taken to hospital with serious injuries.

Site search is still ongoing with Lancashire Fire and Rescue and North West Ambulance Service also present.

“A safety cordon has been put in place and nearby residents have been evacuated. We are currently working with gas service engineers to make the area safe.

“Road closures are still in place and people are being asked to avoid the entire area while we are dealing with this ongoing incident.”

A neighbor, who was forced to flee his house four doors from the center of the explosion, said to the mirror, “His windows, my front door and the roof were shattered.”

Driver Anthony Davis, 58, was asleep in his convoy when the explosion occurred.

“It was like a small earthquake,” he said. “From what we gather, he took two or three houses with him.

“We live a quarter of a mile away and our convoy shook – we thought something had hit it.

“We have our little granddaughters staying overnight. We didn’t know what it was.”

Emergency services operate at the disaster site overnight

Other locals also described hearing an explosion and contemplating an earthquake.

Scott Lancaster said he was reading the news and jumped out of his seat when the explosion occurred.

He said, “It looked like I was at a fireworks show and the last rocket always made the biggest bang.”

Dan Knowles wrote on Twitter: “There was a terrible explosion on Malludel Street in #Hisham that looks catastrophic, 3 homes collapsed, and I call everyone.

“We woke up around 2:30 in the morning and thought it was an earthquake at first. We are about 4 streets in Hesham and can feel it.”

Emergency services at the scene of the explosion (Photo: murphy30220538 / Twitter) Dramatic photos taken at the scene of the accident show the extent of the damage (Photo: murphy30220538 / Twitter)

Both fire and ambulance services in Lancashire are attending the scene, which the North West Electric Corporation has described as a “major accident”.

The Northwest Ambulance Service tweeted that it had dispatched units to the scene “to ensure people get the medical assistance they need as quickly as possible.”

A neighbor whose house was close to the explosion said: “We are all fine. We were shaken and worried about the house because we did not have a door or windows and the ceiling was damaged.”

“The front door completely exploded, shattering the windows.”

He and his family had to collect their belongings and leave.

The Lancashire Fire said in a tweet that units had called into a row of terraced homes on Malwoodal Street in the early hours of Sunday and that firefighters were looking for a collapsed property. She said she had ten fire engines in attendance.


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