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British variants currently predominant in Los Angeles County

British variants currently predominant in Los Angeles County


The Los Angeles County Health Department revealed on Saturday that a predominant coronavirus strain in the region had occurred in the United Kingdom.

The department reported that British variants were detected in more than half of the 40 samples analyzed by the LA County Public Health Institute last week.

The lab also discovered variants of Brazil and South Africa.

The agency pointed out that the two variants of California were previously the most common strains in the county, but last week’s tests did not detect either variant.

In response to these developments, the Department of Health emphasized the need to continue to take steps to protect residents of Los Angeles, especially unvaccinated individuals.

“The news of the identification of these variants and the spread of the variants from around the world highlights the need for LA County residents to continue to take steps to protect themselves and others, especially. This applies to people who have not been vaccinated with COVID-19. They unknowingly become an incubator of the variant of concern, “the agency wrote. statement..

Health officials urged unvaccinated people to continue wearing masks and maintain physical distance. They also called on these individuals to be inoculated “as soon as possible”.

Governor of California Gavin NewsomGavin NewsomNetflix CEO Donates M to Newsom to Fight Recall Press: Can Caitlyn Jenner defeat Gavin Newsom? Hill’s Morning Report-Present by Facebook-Biden wants Congress to pass an abortion bill and is pushing for a ceasefire in the Middle East More (D) Last month, the state Removed almost all coronavirus restrictions And on June 15th it will fully open its economy.

Health officials were waiting by this target date, even after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that vaccinated individuals would be safe to resume. Everyday life without masks or physical distance..

Last week, State Secretary of Health and Welfare Mark Garry said in a statement that California Do not cancel the Maskman date until June 15thGive state residents “time to prepare for this change, especially while constantly focusing on providing vaccines in poorly serviced communities,” with a four-week period.

Other states have already abolished the obligation to mask for fully vaccinated individuals, following the CDC’s new guidance.

New Yorkers who were completely vaccinated last week Given the green light to go without a mask In most places.

Since May 29, people who have been fully vaccinated in Massachusetts No need to wear a mask anymore Or practice social distance indoors or outdoors.


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