Most buprenorphine prescriptions are made by a small number of providers.
According to a new study by RAND Corporation, most prescriptions for buprenorphine drugs used to treat opioid use disorders are made by a small number of healthcare providers.
It was published in the June 1st edition of. Journal of American Medical Association, Studies show that half of all patients have a month Buprenorphine Treatments prescribed in 2016 and 2017 were prescribed by only 4.9% of doctors and other healthcare providers who prescribed the drug during the period.
“The results of these findings have important implications for efforts to increase access to buprenorphine,” said Bradley D, lead author of the study and attending physician researcher at RAND, a non-profit research institute. Says. “Our study aims to encourage more current prescribers to become high-dose prescribers and enable existing high-volume subscribers to treat more patients safely and effectively. It suggests that intensive efforts may be a powerful way to increase the potential for treatment of buprenorphine.
Buprenorphine is a drug that helps people: Opioid addiction Control the disease and refrain from illegal use of opioids. Buprenorphine, approved for use in 2002, can be prescribed by doctors and other healthcare providers in the office. Nurse practitionerHistorically, after completing an approved course.
Traditional opioid treatment programs typically require patients to take methadone onsite at the clinic under the direct supervision of their healthcare provider. Such programs are usually located at: Urban areaMany people are left in rural areas where they have little opportunity to receive treatment.
An estimated 2 million people nationwide suffer from opioid use disorders, and previous studies have shown that increased use of buprenorphine increases the likelihood that those in need will take the drug. To do.
In a new study, RAND researchers used IQVIA prescription data to collect about 90% of all prescriptions dispensed at US retail pharmacies and identify clinicians who prescribed buprenorphine for treatment. To do. did. Opioid use disorder We calculated the total number of months of patient care provided by each clinician at least once between January 2017 and December 2018.
The total number of months of buprenorphine treatment was due to small high doses. Half of the total months of buprenorphine treatment from 2017 to 2018 were prescribed by 4.9% of the most active prescribers (2,450 prescribers total).
These high-dose prescribers, along with primary care physicians (63.6%), psychiatrists (14.3%), pain specialists (8.3%), and addiction specialists (63.6%), treat an average of 124 patients per month. I will. 4.4%) were treated. Volume prescriber.
Most of these care providers’ monthly numbers were well below the current maximum of 275 patients who were prescribed buprenorphine at one time.
“Given the relatively small number of healthcare providers that make up the majority of buprenorphine prescriptions, providing targeted support to those who want to safely treat more patients suffers from buprenorphine. It may be a more promising strategy for increasing medications among those who do. Opioid It’s not focusing on increasing the number of new prescribers, it’s improving addiction, “Stein said.
Provided by
Rand Corporation
Estimate: Most buprenorphine prescriptions were created by a small number of providers (June 1, 2021) and on June 1, 2021 Obtained from .html.
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Most buprenorphine prescriptions are made by a small number of providers.
Source link Most buprenorphine prescriptions are made by a small number of providers.
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