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Lil Baby, “Rich Off Pain” by Lil Durk on “The Voice of the Heroes”

Lil Baby, “Rich Off Pain” by Lil Durk on “The Voice of the Heroes”


After much anticipation, the collaboration between Atlanta rapper Lil Baby and Chicago’s Lil Durk the Voices of heroes on streaming platforms today. Teased in March, the project is a stunt of two acts whose stars have risen immeasurably over the past year. Among other successes, last June, Lil Baby found his place in the summer uprisings against anti-black racism and the police by releasing “The Bigger Picture,” a serious, critically acclaimed and protest anthem. public. The song won two Grammy nominations. In 2020, Lil Durk, a nearly fifteen-year exercise veteran, also won his first Grammys for his appearance on Drake’s hit “Laugh Now Cry Later.” The two rappers are particularly good at twisting menacing bars with emotional touches, and on “Rich Off Pain,” the sixteenth song from their 18-track album, they accurately measure the devastation upon which their success rests. It’s the perfect outcome of the album’s themes: building up your muscles, surviving pain and giving hope.

On “Rich Off Pain”, surrounded by trauma, Durk and Baby rap on electric guitars that stretch and moan. The hook, sung by Rolling Stone charter member Rod Wave, adds to the melancholy of the song’s backdrop with lyrics like “all life left me scars” and “use my tears to motivate” . Lil Baby’s verse is the most motivated of the couple, seeing them go through the pain with a passion for music, money and family. “I know it gets tough, but you stay tough and keep the shit solid,” he advises. Durk’s turn, however, undoes the wounds from his childhood to today. Although he does not mention King Von – his childhood friend, “twin” and label signatory killed in an Atlanta shooting last November – or any of the people he lost by name. , he responds to rumors that he is somehow involved in their deaths. . This recognition is unique to Durk, who raps “See blogging can’t break me, see, I’m the voice, I’m not responding” after vehemently denying any involvement.

The central tragedy of song – that artists’ rise in the music world is aided by their stories and lives of poverty and violence – is made even more overwhelming by the recent death of one of the engineers of ” Rich Off Pain “, Turn Me Up Josh. Lil Durk announced the death of his close collaborator with a tweet on May 31, a few days before the project’s release. Born Joshua Samuel, Turn Me Up Josh also designed “Laugh Now Cry Later,” Durk’s biggest feature film to date. There is no doubt that heartbreak will continue to occur in the lives of the two rappers as they navigate the fame and wealth they have earned through vivid street stories. There is even less doubt that Lil Durk and Lil Baby will continue to dig into this pain for their art. They build empires on graves.

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