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U.S. deaths from heart disease and diabetes rise in COVID

U.S. deaths from heart disease and diabetes rise in COVID


In the United States, mortality has increased significantly. Heart disease, Diabetes Experts believe that many people with dangerous symptoms may have made the fatal mistake of not going to the hospital for fear of getting an infection. Coronavirus..

Mortality rates published online by federal health officials this week show that the number of people lost directly or indirectly by the coronavirus in the United States is higher than the officially reported number of COVID-19 deaths of nearly 600,000. It shows that there is increasing evidence that there is much more. In 2020-21.

For months, researchers know that 2020 was the worst year in US history, mainly due to COVID-19. However, data released this week show the largest increase in heart disease and diabetes mortality in at least 20 years.

Dr. Tanna’s Moin, a diabetes expert at the University of California, Los Angeles, describes this trend as follows:

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Earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that nearly 3.4 million Americans died in 2020. This is the best ever. Of these deaths, more than 345,000 are directly attributed to COVID-19. The CDC also provided some of the leading causes of death, including heart disease and cancer, which are the top two deaths in the country.

However, the data released this week includes mortality, or mortality to the population. As the population fluctuates, this is considered a better way to see the impact each year.

Of the causes of death for which the CDC had provisional data for the full year, nine registrations increased. They include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, chronic liver disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Some of the increase was relatively small, but there was also a dramatic increase. The long-term declining heart disease mortality rate was 167 per 100,000 population, up from 161.5 in the previous year. This is the second time in 20 years that the rate of increase has increased. This rate of increase is over 3%, outpacing the less than 1% increase seen in 2015.

In terms of raw numbers, the death toll from heart disease was about 32,000 more than in the previous year.

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Diabetes deaths increased from 21.6 in 2019 to 24.6 per 100,000 last year. That’s 13,000 more diabetes deaths than in 2019.

Mortality from Alzheimer’s disease increased by 8%, Parkinson’s disease increased by 11%, hypertension increased by 12%, and stroke increased by 4%.

The CDC provides statistics only, no explanation. Authorities also did not disclose the number of deaths, primarily due to heart disease, diabetes, or other conditions, although debilitated by the coronavirus.

Some experts believe that, for greater reason, many patients were not treated in an emergency for fear of being infected with the virus.

“Increased hospitalization rates for coronavirus will dramatically reduce the number of patients in the emergency room for heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure,” said the American Heart Association.

Other possible explanations also indirectly point to the coronavirus.

Many patients stopped taking care of themselves during the crisis, gaining weight and reducing their high blood pressure medications, he said. Crisis stress, lockdown, experts said. Loss of exercise options, loss of work and associated health insurance were all factors, he said.

The increase in Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and West Virginia puts four states in the group of states with the highest heart disease mortality rates, according to CDC data. For diabetes, India, New Mexico, and West. Similar changes were seen in Virginia and other Southern and Plains states.

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Cancer mortality, the second leading cause of death in the country, continued to decline for a year at COVID-19. It decreased by about 2% in 2020, and cancer screening and treatment were reduced or often postponed last year, similar to the decrease seen from 2018 to 2019.

Lloyd Jones’s Decline Theory: Many of the victims of the virus were fighting cancer, but “but COVID intervened and became a major cause of death.”

Last year there were more deaths than births in 25 unprecedented states, according to a previous study by the University of New Hampshire demographer Kenny Johnson.

The states are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Road Island, South Carolina, Tennessee. Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

Traditionally, most states have more births than deaths.

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