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Are more children infected with the second wave of COVID?

Are more children infected with the second wave of COVID?


Senior physicians said the number of children affected by the second wave of COVID-19 was higher due to an increase in the overall number of cases of coronavirus.

One of the dramatic differences between the second and first waves is that the new variants that were distributed in the second wave were found to be affecting children as well.

More children were reportedly affected COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) In the second wave in a state like Karnataka And some district Of Maharashtra. First post Talked to two senior doctors in Maharashtra and agreed that the second wave of pediatric cases was high.But they have a whole number Coronavirus Due to the high number of infected people, the number of infected children has increased.

They also state that the disease is generally mild in children and has a low mortality rate.

“The largest number of pediatric patients was seen throughout the April 2021 pandemic, including data from India,” said Dr. Tushar Parif, a neonatologist and pediatrician at the Maternal Hospital in Pune’s Karadi.

Parikh said there are two possible reasons for this. First, this may be because the new strain is more susceptible to infection in children, but there is no substantive evidence for it. Second, because the total number of patients is so large, in pediatric patients The number has also increased.

“The mutants found in the UK were highly infectious in all age groups. There is nothing that children are highly infectious for new strains,” he said.

Singapore Closed the school in May, expressing concern about new variants, including the B.1.617 strain detected in India, which affected children more.

Dr. Ankit Gupta, a pediatric critical care specialist at Wockhardt Hospital in Mira Road, Mumbai, said it was wrong to say that new variants found in India are spreading faster among children. .. The variant was evenly distributed between children and adults, but this time the number of infected children increased proportionately because the entire family tested positive. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) , He said.

“Wokhard, a tertiary care center, only accepts moderate to severe cases. More than 50 pediatrics COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) The patient was hospitalized in the second wave (until May 29), “Dr. Ankit said, adding that he must have treated more than 100 pediatricians. Coronavirus OPD (Out-Patient Department) based case.

The hospital continued to accept one or two pediatric patients per day, but warned that this number may reflect a “referral bias.” The child has been referred to Wokhard, a tertiary care center, and small nursing homes for the elderly may not have the same number of COVID patients.

What is the government saying?

“A look at all data, including data from the first and second waves of India, and even worldwide, shows that the virus or new variants caused more serious infections among children. No data is available, “said Dr. Landeep, director of AIIMS-Delhi, Grelia said at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Of all the children admitted to the hospital, according to the second wave data COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) , 60-70% showed comorbidity or weakened immunity, and some were receiving chemotherapy. Most of the infected healthy children recovered without the need for hospitalization. “

Therefore, he said there was no evidence that the next wave would lead to a serious illness in the child.

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) also stated in a statement dated May 22 that nearly 90% of infectious diseases in children are mild / asymptomatic and the incidence of serious illness in children is not high.

“Fortunately, so far, children are relatively unaffected by several factors. Most importantly, the specific virus binds to enter the host and immune system. The expression of the receptor is low, “said the statement.

Dr. VK Paul, a member of NITI Aayog (Health), speaks in the context of the third wave. India Today TV“In the past, children have shown seroprevalence similar to adults, which means that children are as affected as adults.”

by The Times of India, Paul said last week that most children infected with the disease are asymptomatic, but in some cases the virus can have serious effects on them in two ways. In the first case, Symptoms like pneumonia have been reported. Second, some cases of polyinflammatory syndrome have been found among children who have recently recovered. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) ..

What are the symptoms in children?

Parikh emphasized that the symptoms seen in adults and younger patients are different. He emphasized that the infection was mild even among children.

“Adult symptoms are usually associated with airways and fever, but the reasons for hospitalization are hypoxia, lack of oxygen, dyspnea, and lung lesions. On the other hand, symptoms in pediatric patients are loss of appetite and movement. More common, such as loosening and dehydration. They have fever, cough, and cold. They also have gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, loosening, and stomach pain, especially in the pediatric age group. Also, patients with stomatitis and stomatitis. Many have rashes. “

However, the senior doctor added: COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) In children, it is generally mild and symptoms such as rash, fever, cold, and cough usually last for 3-4 days. “If the fever lasts for more than 4 days, a blood test is usually done. In children under the age of 5, hospitalization is generally caused by loss of appetite, reduced food intake, and dehydration.”

“Children over the age of 8 may have lung lesions. Obesity is known to be the greatest risk factor for adults from Pune data. Obesity correlates with adult mortality rather than diabetes. Shows a relationship in the pediatric age group, death ( COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) ) Is less common, but obese children over the age of 8 may land with lung disease or pneumonia and require oxygen and access to the ICU, “he said.

According to Dr. Gupta, children have the same symptoms as other viral illnesses, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms such as runny nose, fever, lethargy, diarrhea, slow movement, and vomiting.

Febrile seizures are a very common childhood illness that affects children aged 5 months to 5 years and is found in very small children and babies when the fever exceeds 101-102 degrees. He said.

He added that children under the age of one and children with comorbidities such as asthma, kidney problems, heart disease, hereditary disorders, and weakened immunity are at increased risk. Obesity is also a risk factor, he added.

Federal Ministry of Health Guidelines For the treatment of children affected by COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) , Based on the mild, moderate and severe classification of the disease.

The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has also recently Comprehensive guidelines For management of COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Among the children.

With input from PTI

COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) What are the symptoms? “Target =” _ blank “> Click here for the first part of this analysis

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