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HIV Self-Test Kit Project Hopes to Break Barriers to Sexual Health

HIV Self-Test Kit Project Hopes to Break Barriers to Sexual Health
HIV Self-Test Kit Project Hopes to Break Barriers to Sexual Health


The new pilot project hopes to help eradicate HIV in the long run in Canada by removing the barriers to testing faced by some at-risk communities. Everything starts with a small takeaway kit distributed by a community group.

Is Immediately understand Campaign started earlier this month. The community group received 50,000 HIV self-test kits and distributed them for distribution, some of which arrived at seven Manitoba sites in Zapas, Brandon, and Winnipeg.

The HIV self-test kit has been publicly available in the United States and the United Kingdom for several years, but it was only legalized in Canada last fall, thanks to a study by Dr. Sean Roke and colleagues.

Roke, program director at REACH Nexus and scientist at the Urban Health Solutions MAP Center at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, said, “There’s a reason they don’t come forward for care. Obviously, prejudice and other things. There are all kinds of barriers. “

“I want to make sure this test has been approved, but how can I get it to people in the most accessible and least barrier way?”

REACH Nexus is the organization behind the Ready to Know campaign, funded by the Canadian Institute for Health Information, to help find innovative ways to bring self-test kits to market, says Rourke.

For the initiative Apps that people can download It features tutorials on how to use the kit, answers to frequently asked questions, and how to access peer counseling and other support if you get positive results.

Participants can also provide their opinions on their experiences for research purposes.

Rourke states that there are an estimated 8,000 Canadians. That is 13% of all cases. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada — People who are infected with HIV and do not know it.

As a result, they do not benefit from today’s widespread treatments that not only save lives, but also reduce human viral load to undetectable levels. In other words, you will not be able to infect the virus.

“Because of the great public health benefits, if you want to reduce HIV in Canada, you need to reach out to undiagnosed people. [and] Help them lead to care, “Roke said.

In theory, anyone can go to a walk-in clinic or family doctor to have them tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. In reality, there are many things that keep endangered groups away.

“It’s a shame we need to close the short-term gap,” said Mike Payne, executive director of Nine Circles in Winnipeg, one of the sites where people can get kits. ..

He estimates that currently about 1,300 Manitoba people live with HIV.

Winnipeg overdose has skyrocketed during a pandemic, and Payne says another way HIV can spread in communities that feel unsupported by regular clinics and care centers. The use of crystal meth by injection is mentioned as an example.

Payne also said community health professionals are preparing for an increase in various sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, as access to care has diminished during a pandemic where focus and resources have shifted to COVID-19. Masu.

As a result, some people avoid regular inspections during a pandemic, Payne says. Nine Circles has already begun to see an increase in HIV positive results through tests there.

“There are many people who already lack access to healthcare, especially indigenous peoples, people of color, and people in the LGBTQ community … they have experienced homophobia, racism, and traditional health. Because I have other types of experience inside-nursing services. “

“That is, if you combine all of this, our position doesn’t work. But that’s why we have to understand. All the ways we can provide people with comfortable resources for them. What? You can change the status to encourage you to connect to the service you need. “

In addition to Pain stopping by one of the community organizations to get up to three self-test kits, Manitoba people can also order deliveries. Community.

Participating Partners in Manitoba:

Break Garden Resource Center

Gilbert Park Resource Center

Nine Circles Community Health Center

NorWest on Alexander (NOA) Resource Center

Sexuality Education Resource Center – Brandon Office

John Howard Society of Brandon

Path Committee for Women in Crisis

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