The U.S. has banned dog imports from 113 countries after rising fake rabies records
The United States has banned the import of dogs from more than 100 countries for at least a year due to the surge in the number of puppies imported into the country with fraudulent rabies vaccine vaccination certificates.
“We are doing this to ensure the health and safety of dogs imported into the United States and to protect the health of the public.” Dr. Emily Pieratch Members of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell NPR.
The pandemic prompted a surge in adoption of pets, including puppies, as Americans sought dating while staying home to protect themselves from COVID-19.
It was accompanied by a surge in dog imports, along with a surge in dogs entering the country with counterfeit or fraudulent rabies certificates, says Pieratch. In 2020, the CDC found more than 450 dogs arriving in the United States with counterfeit or fraudulent rabies certificates. This is a 52% increase over the last two years.
“In the early days of the pandemic, everyone had a pandemic puppy, so the number of shelters was at a record low. Therefore, there is a correlation between the empty shelters here, There may be a growing demand for puppies abroad, “she says. ..
Malicious breeders may have tempted them to cut corners in a hurry to meet growing demand, especially where they were overwhelmed by a pandemic that was struggling to keep up with the rabies vaccination program.
“Given the impact of COVID on vaccination programs around the world, we don’t know what the rabies situation will be in the future, but there is a doubt that the risk of importing rabies dogs may increase. No … “She says.
How dogs and people get rabies
Rabies Eliminated in US dogs in 2007Unvaccinated canines bitten by rabies wildlife (or in contact with saliva) (eg, raccoons, skunks, bats). You can still get sick like that.. Today, pet dogs in the United States are regularly vaccinated against rabies to prevent rabies.
However, rabies is still one of the most deadly diseases that can be transmitted to humans from animals around the world. Worldwide, about 59,000 people die of rabies each year. This is equivalent to about one death every nine minutes.Rabies is almost always fatal once One begins to experience symptoms..
The United States imports about 1 million dogs each year. Therefore, after July 14, the CDC has banned dog imports. 113 countries considered to be at high risk for rabies 1 year. The country is broad and includes Kenya, Uganda, Brazil, Colombia, Russia, Vietnam, North Korea, Nepal, China and Syria.
“What we really are trying to do is prevent rabies from being reintroduced into the United States from sources outside the United States,” says Pierac.
Veterinarians admire the decision.
“In the case of a new breed of rabies [were to be] When introduced in the United States, it will be a question of where and how fast it will spread. ” Dr. Douglas Kratt, President of the American Veterinary Association. “Probably not, but Where And How fast.. ”
However, not everyone is enthusiastic about the CDC’s restrictive movements.
“We understand the need to keep U.S. animals safe, but we are concerned that this move will be detrimental to responsible pet owners who hire rescued animals from other countries,” SPCA International said. Secretary-General Meredith Ayan told the NPR in writing.
“It can also euthanize many healthy animals living abroad if they cannot travel to the United States for adoption owners. The United States has already implemented rigorous quarantine and mad dog vaccination procedures. It has been and is highly proven. It has been effective for many years in keeping US animals safe from mad dog disease, and we recommend that the CDC continue to enforce it. ”
Some case-by-case exceptions to import bans
Pieracci emphasizes that the ban will be reassessed within a year. In the meantime, you can make exceptions on a case-by-case basis, such as those who return home after living abroad.
“We recognize that some people need to take their dogs to the United States,” says Pierac. “So the CDC has set up a process that allows people to apply for permission to take their dogs.”
And anyone who wants to adopt a dog shouldn’t worry, she says. Banned countries make up only about 6% of all dogs imported each year. And there are still many dogs that can be adopted in the country.
“We have a lot of dogs available here in the United States that need a great loving home,” he says. Dr. Jerry Klein, The best veterinary officer of the American Kennel Club. “You shouldn’t have to go abroad to meet the need for a loving home for dogs and cats in America.”
Health officials say the risk to most puppies already employed during the pandemic is probably low, adding that anyone worried about puppies should consult a veterinarian.
“If you buy a pandemic puppy and it comes from a high-risk rabies country abroad, you may not have been properly vaccinated against rabies,” says Pieracci. “You may want to check it out, or you may simply have your dog re-vaccinated.”
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