What is like a flight recovery in Australia from the Corona virus? | Instant news
Australia stopped. Domestic services were lost from hours to weeks, and airlines left many cities. What is the recovery path for the Australian aviation industry? And how long will we all fly again?
The Australian aviation industry has a way to go before everything returns to normal. Photo: Getty Images
The situation in Australia so far
Fortunately, Australia is not as badly hit as other countries because of the Coruna virus, thanks to swift government measures to close the border. Nor does the nature of Australia help the virus, as a small population spreads across large continents.
However, Australia’s aviation industry was hit hard as elsewhere, with many flights canceled and demand down 98%.
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Just look at the second most popular track in the world, from Sydney to Melbourne, to see how far it is. There are usually more than 70 services a day, with four major airlines operating approximately every 15 minutes (not to mention other flights with small airlines flying to regional centers like Rex or Corporate Air).
Qantas Group has more than 200 parked aircraft, including Jetstar jets in Avalon outside Melbourne. Photo: Qantas Newsroom.
Now there is one flight per day with Qantas powered by Turbo Q400, via Canberra (50-minute trip extension for three hours), and the other two flights with other operators. This is a reduction of 4.2% from its original capacity. Airlines report that this flight is not full.
The bright side is that the aviation industry below it could not decline further. With basically 0% demand, from here it can only rise.
What is the first step?
With borders closed and no travel within the country, coronavirus is expected to be controlled within a few weeks. This means that airline services can start the long road to recovery.
First, the government will begin government service and overland operations. It is very important to reopen the regional airport and restart profitable mining operations for the local economy.
Seamlessly afterwards, the government will move to improve local services, focusing on the beneficial relationships between Sydney and Melbourne. There are rumors that the Australian government may consider supporting flights initially so the airline will operate again (because these first few flights are too expensive), also to encourage domestic tourism.
Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham told A B C that “local travel restrictions may be lifted before international travel restrictions are put in place”
As Australian Airways flies Virgin Australia, there is no way to see it in the sky at this point (with an increasingly unexpected return).
Tigerair Australia has been convicted and staff released. Photo: Tigerair Australia via Facebook.
Slowly open the border
Once local travel is turned on and regional centers are linked, Australia will begin to reopen its borders with close neighbors who have invaded the virus.
New Zealand is likely to be the first choice, because this island nation is slightly ahead of the curve in this crisis. China might be on top if it proves controlling the virus, because there are many international students who want to return to Australia to study.
From there, Australia will study the countries on a case-by-case basis with its final plan to reopen the borders.
Virgin Australia will be interested in continuing its lucrative service to Los Angeles: Photo: Virgin Australia
Unfortunately, with borders likely to be closed for the rest of the year for all but the most important flights, Australia will not see many international airlines continue to serve the island nation next year when the vaccine is finally released to the public.
This will be useful for both Qantas and Virgin Australia (assuming you can still take international flights later) because they will choose the route.
What do you think of this expectation? Let us know in the comments.
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