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Mike Polk Jr. reacts to M & Ms being named America’s favorite candy


Chocolate treats (sort of) edged out Reese’s peanut butter cups for the top spot.

CLEVELAND When I found out that Ohio’s favorite Halloween candy was apparently M & Ms, I’m sure I felt the same as many of you: surprised, heartbroken, maybe a little melancholy .

Don’t get me wrong, M & Ms aren’t gross or anything, they are fine. But that’s all. They’re okay, there’s just nothing remarkable about them.

RELATED: M & M’s Defeats Reese As Best Halloween Candy In RetailMeNot 2021 Survey

I can tell you that I was definitely not interviewed for this study, but if someone asked me which Halloween candy I personally prefer over M&M, I guess my answer would be the PLUS. Reese’s Cups, Butterfingers, Snickers, Kit-Kat, Nestlé Crunch, Twix, Reese’s Pieces, Milky Ways, Sour Patch Kids, Nerds, Junior Mints, 100 Grands and York Peppermint Patties, to name a few.

Now seems like a good time to use this platform for good to fight some of the worst candy that thoughtless people are handing out to innocent kids on Halloween. So let it be known that in the future, the following treats are all prohibited: NO MORE Mallo Cups, Circus Peanuts, Boston Baked Beans, Necco Wafers or Black Licorice. And that includes black licorice in all of its nasty forms, like Black Jacks or Good N Plentys where they try to disguise it. Stop him.

I won’t be fully vetoing sweet corn because I know it has its passionate advocates and I don’t need that kind of heat in my inbox, but can we agree that sweet corn shouldn’t be handed out to kids on Halloween, it should just sit in a dish on your aunts’ coffee table so that those who wish to treat themselves can do it but not be forced on anyone against their will? Good deal?

ALSO PROHIBITED: White chocolate, wax lips, wax vampire teeth, those disgusting little wax bottles with hot sugar juice, in fact, how about stopping giving wax to kids in general? It seems like a good rule of thumb.

Smarties: AKA Sugar Chalk: Forbidden.

And finally, Tootsie Rolls, invented in 1907. Good racing Tootsie Rolls but we have made incredible strides in candy technology over the past 114 years and I think it’s time to stop. You are quite disgusting.

Take note everyone. And enjoy your M & Ms Ohio, you bonkers. Happy Halloween, friends.




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