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Veteran Nollywood Actor Pa Zulu Adigwe Reportedly Dead, Fans Cry: Our Legends Are Departing

Veteran Nollywood Actor Pa Zulu Adigwe Reportedly Dead, Fans Cry: Our Legends Are Departing


  • The Nollywood industry has been hit with another shock as it reportedly lost one of its veterans, Pa Zulu Adigwe, days after the death of Junior Pope.
  • The announcement of his sudden disappearance was made public in the late hours of Tuesday April 23, 2024,
  • Meanwhile, fans and netizens wondered about the circumstances of his death and mourned him all over social media.

Barely days after the death of popular actor Pope Obumneme Odonwodo aka Junior Pope, Nollywood has lost another legend. Veteran movie star Pa Zulu Adigwe has reportedly died. learned the news on Tuesday April 23, 2024 in the evening.

Zulu Adigwe is dead
Pa Zulu Adigwe is said to be dead. Credit: @zuluadigwe
Source: Instagram

Film producer Stanley Manbetter known as Stanley Ontop, announced his death on Instagram. He said the cause of her death had not yet been determined.

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He wrote on Instagram:

I regret to announce the death of a veteran actor. Late Mr. Zulu Adigwe.

This would add to the list of deaths in Nollywood in the last four months.. will share more details about Zulu's death as the story unfolds.

Meanwhile, in an earlier report, the Nollywood community, along with family and friends, held a candlelight service to honor the memory of Junior Pope.

In a video that circulated on the Internet, a group of young men and women dressed in black outfits came out in large numbers to show their respect to the late actor and the four other victims.

Recall that the energetic actor died on April 10 alongside four crew members while they were on their way to the filming of a film The Other Side of Life directed by Adanma Luke.

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See Stanley's post below:

Nigerians react to the death of Pa Zulu Adigwe compiled the reactions below:


“Na wa o, all our legends have almost disappeared.”


“Guys I'm tired of writing RIP to people in Nollywood, deaths don't bother anyone, make them stop dying for God's sake… haba….”


“Guys, people are dying every day in all walks of life. It's just because we know these pipls and it seems like it's only in Nollywood that people are dying. This world is not not ours… Do good and impact lives B4 exit.”


“Nollywood needs to come together and pray because the news of the death is getting out of hand.”


“The legends all disappear, leaving people who just shake the nyash and act like nonsense to us…God.”


“When will Pastor Jerry start prayer for Nollywood.”

Junior Pope's Death Trends Prophecy

In another report via Legitime.ngFamous clairvoyant Bright Ndibunwa, aka Bright the Seer, foresaw the tragic boat incident, which claimed the lives of five people, including Junior Pope.

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In a video, Bright prophesied that Nollywood actors should pray for their lives.

She said that although she was aware they were praying, they should do better because she saw the incident coming.





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