Knotel bankruptcy does not signal the end of flexible offices in New York, brokers say

The company has more than 20 locations in the city, according to its listings portal. He plans to leave several places around the country as part of his bankruptcy process.
Co-founder Amol Sarva chose New York and San Francisco as two cities where it has become increasingly difficult to do business amid the pandemic in a statement accompanying the bankruptcy announcement, but the company declined to say if New York was one of the markets. he would go out.
The immediate impact of the bankruptcy filing on the New York office market is expected to be fairly limited, as Knotel does not have a large enough footprint to disrupt the office industry on its own, according to Peter Riguardi, president of the New York region. three states from JLL to New York.
“We are going through a difficult period, and in this space, we may have had too many suppliers to start”, cordially declared: “and thus only the strongest will survive and develop their market”.
The bankruptcy should also provide Knotel owners with much-needed clarity on the future of the office space the company currently occupies, Stephen Powers, of Transwestern Real Estate Services, said.
“This allows the bandage to be ripped off and for there to be a change and the potential to reoccupy those spaces,” he said.
Knotel’s bankruptcy comes at a difficult time for the Manhattan office market. Last year was the slowest year of the 21st century, with businesses leasing just under 19 million square feet of space, a 55.9% drop from 2019, according to a report by Colliers International .
January brought mixed news. Rental activity for the month was 1.9 million square feet, the highest total since July and an 18.6% increase from December. However, the borough’s availability rate increased for the eighth consecutive month to a record 14.9%, according to Colliers.
A November CBRE report found flexible office space providers occupy 13.4 million square feet of office space in Manhattan, or about 4% of the borough’s inventory. Brokers did not see Knotel’s bankruptcy as a sign that owners would seek to avoid leasing space from similar businesses in the future.
“Coworking has a place for the future,” said Riguardi. “I think the next generation of renters will prefer flexibility, and also, a lot of them prefer their space to be built for them so that they don’t have to go through this process.”
Massey was equally optimistic about the flexible office space model and hailed Newmark’s acquisition of Knotel as “a great investment at the perfect time.”
Powers echoed this, adding that the Newmark deal is likely a sign that homeowners will take a more active role in the flexible office space industry as it evolves.
“There’s a real opportunity for homeowners to come up with these flexible terms and flexible scalability options,” he said. “There’s going to be a ton of vacant space. There’s a ton of vacant space, so that’s one way to fill it.”
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