BJP chairman Jagat Prakash Nadda on Saturday launched another attack on the Congress party, alleging that the big-old party had always spoken the language of Pakistan....
While people fear automation will cut jobs, Kamler says overall he will need to hire more workers to take care of the robots he plans to...
Thankfully, “Coronavirus” wasn’t on the top list of Google Trends Halloween costumes. The company created the Frightgeist portal and infused a little creepy atmosphere to highlight...
The Delhi government plans to add about 5,000 more beds dedicated to being able to treat up to 12,000 daily cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) disease, documents...
This is The TechCrunch Exchange, a newsletter that comes out on Saturdays, based on the column of the same name. You can sign up for the...
for King & Country. Photo: Don Claussen / Trap The Light Photography for the Dove Awards The winners of the 51st Annual GMA Dove Award were...
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