CONNELLY: Fox squirrels – backyard performers or thugs? | the Chronicle
They provide my bird dogs with hours of daily entertainment and I admit that I often stop to admire their aerial acrobatics. Still, some people dislike them because of their affinity for bird feeding and plundering gardens, while others like them for their fun antics. The Eastern Fox Squirrel can be found in most urban and rural areas of Bingham County as well as much of Idaho which contains suitable habitat. Whatever your feelings, make no mistake, this tree rodent is here to stay.
The fox squirrel is not native to Idaho. It was introduced in the early 20th century in many western cities where it was initially limited to urban / suburban settings. The reasons for the introduction vary, but the main motivation was probably aesthetic value. Its natural range includes parts of southern Canada and the Midwestern and Eastern states. This squirrel has expanded its range since the initial introduction is now found in many locations across Idaho, occurring in urban and agricultural areas.
The fox squirrel is a relatively large rodent with a long, bushy tail. The squirrel gets its name from its yellowish-red coloring (especially on its bushy tail), closely resembling that of a red fox.
Although fox squirrels prefer open woodlands with a relatively open understory, they will also use urban and suburban areas where mature trees have been established. These squirrels are daytime foragers that are active year round. Fox squirrels are omnivorous, which means they have a broad diet, feeding on plant matter and bile insects, seeds, nuts, moths, beetles, bird eggs, and even dead fish.
Nests provide protection from the elements and can be either a nest of sticks and leaves, or a cavity in a tree. The nests are used as daily shelters and sites for raising kittens. Fox squirrels have two defined breeding seasons, one in winter and another in late spring. However, females usually only produce one litter each year. The average litter size varies from 2 to 3 kittens across the species’ range. Newborns are naked and cared for by their mother. When leaving the nest to look for food, the female covers her offspring with nesting material.
The main forms of squirrel communication are smells and vocalizations, as well as tail and body postures. Vocalization includes a wide variety of barks. They usually use a chattering sound as an alarm call, but a chattering of teeth serves as a display of aggression.
Fox squirrels are well suited to their arboreal lifestyle. Due to the extremely flexible ankle joints, this animal’s feet rotate, allowing the squirrel to descend trees head first. The four front teeth of this squirrel grow continuously throughout its life. So, to wear down old teeth, these rodents have to gnaw nuts and tree bark, sometimes damaging trees.
These squirrels live a long time, individuals survive between 5 and 15 years. Fox squirrels are able to disperse over great distances, with squirrels known to cross waterways and agricultural and urban areas. This ability allowed fairly rapid dispersal to new areas shortly after introduction.
Squirrels are very intelligent creatures. When alarmed, squirrels may try to confuse a predator by running back and forth and in different directions. In addition, they sometimes claim to bury nuts to confuse and eliminate food thieves,
Although in decline in parts of its eastern range, fox squirrels are popular game in many states in the Midwest. Idaho classifies this squirrel as an unprotected species so it can be hunted year round. If you’re interested, the internet is full of squirrel recipes. One caveat though, the mere mention of a squirrel supper is enough to get a very mean look from my wife.
Jack Connelly has lived in Bingham County for over 40 years. He is passionate about the outdoors and has hiked, camping, hunting and fishing throughout much of the United States as well as parts of Europe and Asia. Connelly worked as a biologist for the Idaho Fish and Game Department for over 30 years. He is now using his retirement with his wife Cheryl to raise chickens and bird dogs in their Blackfoot home.
Sources 2/ https://www.postregister.com/chronicle/freeaccess/connelly-fox-squirrels—-backyard-entertainers-or-hoodlums/article_ad2a17fa-2662-52e1-ae94-d34c4abe22eb.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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