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Titans actor Jason Todd wants to play Red Hood on DC Show or a spin-off


Titans actor Curran Walters, who plays Jason Todd on the DC Universe show, is interested in playing the Red Hood, even in a spinoff series.

Actor Curran Walters has announced that he is interested in a potential Red Hood spin-off, or simply doing this screenplay on Titans. Walters is best known for playing the character Jason Todd or Robin in the series.The show, created by Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns and Greg Berlanti, focuses on the young teenage superheroes Titans who are fighting against many enemies. In the DC universe, Jason Todd is best known for being the second character to assume the masked identity of Red Hood, a crime fighter.

Titans has been running for two seasons since 2018. In season 1, the character of Rachel Roth (Teagan Croft) approaches detective Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites) to help him fight his demonic father, Trigon. Grayson began to lose his Robin character, becoming Nightwing, which prompted him to form and guide a new team. Rachel has unique powers from magic inherited from her father. The second season explores the newly reformed Titans team with Jason Todd, Rachel and Garfield “Gar” Logan (Ryan Potter). Gar is the group’s shapeshifter and can transform into various animals.

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Related: Predicting How TITANS Will Bow Jason Todd’s Red Hood

Although Waltersis does not know when the third season ofTitanswill resume filming, he is not against the introduction of his character in a potential series of spinoffs. In an interview withComic,Walters said, “Yeah i mean it would be pretty cool. I mean, it all depends on what the team thinks and where Titans the writers decide to do it. It would be cool if we got to the story Titans One day. We will definitely see.“He also provided an overview of the preparation of his role as Jason Todd, which involved research on comics.

Jason Todd Titans

Before receiving the role, Walters was not an avid reader of comics, but he made sure to dig deep in order to fully understand his character. He said there was pressure to play a well-known comic book character, but preparation was the key to successfully playing his role:

You know, the day you have all the pressure to reserve a comic book role, especially since the character has been around for so long. You feel some kind of pressure on you, but I just did my best, and I think I nailed the role, and all the fans are pretty happy with it.

Although filming has been suspended due to the pandemic, fans can expect Season 3 of Titansto include new faces and potential reunions. They can broadcast it on DC Universe. As for the Red Hood spin-off Titans, nothing is in the works yet, though fans may be interested in turning Todd into a Red Hood anti-hero. The show has potential as the DC universe continues to develop.

Next: Titans Should Retire Batman In Season 3

Source: Comic

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