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Vachik Mangassarian, actor in Agents Of SHIELD, dead at 78


Vachik Mangassariana character actor with dozens of credits, including Marvels “Agents of SHIELD”, “Calm Your Enthusiasm” and the feature film “The Stoning of Soraya M.”, died. He was 78 years old.

His representatives at McCaffrey Talent Management told Deadline that he died of complications from COVID on Saturday.

Born in Iran of Armenian descent in 1943, Mangassarian came to the United States in the mid-1960s, working in theater and occasionally returning to Iran, where he played roles in films including some by Iranian director Samuel Khachikian. He finally landed his first Hollywood role in “The Souths Shark” (1978).

Vachik Mangassarian died of complications from COVID, his representatives have confirmed.

Vachik Mangassarian died of complications from COVID, his representatives have confirmed.
(Photo by Tibrina Hobson/WireImage)

In the mid-1980s, he began scoring guest photos on popular shows such as “The Fall Guy”, “The A-Team”, “Sledge Hammer!” and “Murder, she wrote.” Mangassarian would work steadily throughout the 2010s, guesting on shows such as “Murphy Brown,” “Falcon Crest,” “Jake and the Fatman,” “NYPD Blue,” and “JAG,” as well as a few TV movies.


Mangassarian landed a key role in Cyrus Nowrasteh’s 2008 film “The Stoning of Soraya M.”, playing the father of a young woman sentenced to death amid false charges. Starring Shohreh Aghdashloo and Jim Caviezel, the film won an NAACP Image Award, won awards at the Los Angeles and Ghent Film Festivals, and was nominated for the Peoples Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Vachik Mangassarian attends the Price For Freedom screening at Laemmle Music Hall on June 28, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California.

Vachik Mangassarian attends the Price For Freedom screening at Laemmle Music Hall on June 28, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California.
(Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

Mangassarian was also instrumental in turning the script of “Lost and Found in Armenia” into a movie, which got a theatrical release in the United States in 2012. It starred Angela Sharafyan and Jamie Kennedy and it was the first time in the history of Armenian cinema that Armenian and American film actors starred in the same feature film.

After that, the actor went on to land guest-starring TV roles on such series as Marvels “Agents of SHIELD,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” and “NCIS: Los Angeles.” Mangassarian also anchored his own radio and later television show, “The Armenian National Network” for 10 years.

Vachik Mangassarian (top right) poses for a portrait during the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival held at the Sutton Place Hotel.

Vachik Mangassarian (top right) poses for a portrait during the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival held at the Sutton Place Hotel.
(Photo by Jeff Vespa/WireImage)

Survivors include two sisters, Linda Lalaian of Glendale and Elda Hacopian of Maryland and their wives; nephews Derek Hacopian and Ara Hacopian and niece Aida Hacopian.




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