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The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 release date | Delay, distribution, intrigue


Dust off your red capes The fourth season of The Handmaids Tale is on its way and should be explosive, judging by the trailer for Hulus.

Next season’s dystopian dramas will see Offred / June (Elizabeth Moss), who survived the gunshot wound of the season three finale, continue her mission to rescue and transport Gilead’s women and children safely. security in Canada.

We should also expect to see Aunt Lydia getting her comeuppance this series, as actress Ann Dowd has teased that commanders can’t wait to blame anyone, but Lydia of course is in the foreground for receive that.

Although the coronavirus pandemic has delayed season four, we can guess what the series has in store from its recent trailer and interview with the cast.

Here’s everything we know about season four so far

When is the fourth season of The Handmaids Tale on TV?

Unfortunately, the premiere of season four of The Handmaids Tale has been pushed back to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, Hulu recently announced.

Originally slated for release this fall, the series was delayed after COVID-19 stopped production in Canada in March, like many other shows.

TV star Elizabeth Moss said Additional in June they had just started filming when filming was stopped.

She said: We were only in two weeks, so we have an entire season to shoot. We want to go back to work because families have people to support and rent who they have to pay, but at the same time, no human life is worth a TV show. I was just trying to figure out how to do it safely for everyone.

This was confirmed by Ann Dowd (Aunt Lydia) in late June when she told This Morning that she had only read the scripts for the first two episodes that had been filmed before the lockdown.

While fans will have to wait a while for the fourth season, Hulu has released a trailer that should give fans a taste of what’s to come.

The Handmaids Tale Season 4 Trailer

Hulu recently released a trailer for the upcoming fourth series, which shows that June is still alive, despite filming last season, and is ready to save more children from the oppressive Gileads regime.

We’re just getting started, says a determined June person in the trailer as she tries to bypass a team of maids to wage war on the country.

It looks like Aunt Lydia is ready to fight, with her June statement beyond redemption in the trailer.

What will happen in season 4 of The Handmaids Tale?

Inspired by the novel of the same name by Margaret Atwoods, The Handmaids Tale takes place in a future dystopian version of the United States and revolves around Gilead, a totalitarian society where women are forced to become maids and bear children for its leaders.

** Spoilers coming for season 3 of The Handmaids Tale **

At the end of the third season, June (Elisabeth Moss) managed to help a group of children escape from Gilead by plane, but was seriously injured during the process and carried away by her fellow servants at the end of the Last episode.

Serena Joy also incited her husband Fred Waterford to travel to Canada to be charged with war crimes, but in response, he exposed his own perverse acts (and, during the process, revealed that Nichole is not his biological daughter, his real father is Nick).

Ann Dowd in The Handmaid's Tale


From the trailer, it looks like season four will continue to follow Gilead’s growing resistance, while plunging into the devastating fallout from the Waterfords.

With Gilead’s state upset by Junes’ revolutionary efforts, season four doesn’t look good for Aunt Lydia (Ann Dowd).

Speaking this morning, Ann Dowd said that Lydia has a lot to prove.

The commanders are anxious to blame anyone but themselves and Lydia of course is in the foreground for receiving this blame and I am sure she is blaming herself, she said.

How could she miss it? She had all the signs that the girls were acting strangely. I knew that June was preparing something and yes, I did not act. So yes, I think she has a lot to prove.

The creator of the series Bruce Miller also alluded to a potentially unhappy fate for the heroine June. Speaking to TV Guide, he said: Everyone in Toronto shows us what June expects for her if she ever goes out. You sort of tell these stories of possible itineraries for June, but it won’t be just sun and lollipops.

We follow June, and June lives in Gilead, and Gilead is not a nice place. And it still won’t be a nice place. And we try to be very realistic about what is likely to happen and how it works.

Will season four be the last season of The Handmaids Tale?

Speaking during the Television Critics Association’s press tour, executive producer Warren Littlefield hinted that several more seasons of The Handmaids Tale may be underway.

We have not planned the end of season 4, but we also turn to Margaret [Atwood]s bookWills and know that this story takes us 15 years in the future, he said TV guide. We don’t see it ending [Season 4], and I can honestly tell you that we have no definitive release. But I think we want to keep the bar high, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing to let the public want more and then we could Wills.

Who plays in season four of The Handmaids Tale?

Elisabeth Moss, The tale of the servant

It is not yet confirmed which of the original actors will return, but it seems likely that members of the central cast will resume their roles, including Elisabeth Moss in June.

Despite having a life-threatening injury in the season three finale, the season four trailer reveals that June is actually alive and ready to continue her mission to rescue Gilead’s children.

Jospeh Fiennes, Yvonne Strahovski, Samira Wiley, Alexis Bledel, Max Minghella, OT Fabhenle, Amanda Brugel and Bradley Whitford are about to return as well as Ann Down who plays a terrifying aunt Lydia.

Why are there delays in season four of The Handmaids Tale?

Before the coronavirus pandemic, The Handmaids Tale had already faced delays that had seen it move through the calendar from summer to fall.

Talk to Digital spy Commenting on the initial delay, Elisabeth Moss revealed: Part of the reason why it has taken a little longer, in addition to the timing, is that we are doing a longer season this year. Really extended the limits of our capacities, in terms of production, and moved a lot.

She added: We weren’t very much sitting in a studio between four walls, so it’s really a bigger season and it took a little [longer]. I have been in Toronto since the preparation for mid-January.

Now, series four has been pushed back to 2021 due to these delays combined with the shutdown of production caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

If you’re looking for something to watch, check out our TV guide.

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