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Slash writes new music and records demos for Guns N Roses


ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 16: Slash performs on stage at the opening night of GIBSON NAMM JAM 2020 at City National Grove in Anaheim on January 16, 2020 in Anaheim, California.  (Photo by Phillip Faraone / Getty Images for Gibson)

Slash performs with Guns NRoses in January (photo: Getty Images for Gibson)

Slash, lead guitarist for iconic rock band Guns NRoses, said he worked on new items during the lockdown.

Now it’s time well spent.

The singer Live and Let Die was to tour with his group comrades until 2020, but had to cancel due to a coronavirus.

Talk to Pure water, Slash said: I was pretty much a homebody, but I went back and forth between my studio in the house and I do a lot of writing and recording by myself.

I quarreled with Duff [McKagan] and I quarreled with Axl [Rose] and I did stuff like that, so we did work that way.

But I haven’t done much else.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - AUGUST 04: Slash performs during 2019 Lollapalooza at Grant Park on August 04, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois.  (Photo by Erika Goldring / FilmMagic)

Slash is one of the most famous guitarists of all time (Photo: ERIKA GOLDRING)

It actually sounds a lot like musically. Perhaps there is a new masterpiece in preparation?

Slash added that his main focus is on writing new music and recording demos and recording guitar stuff for Guns and the like.

GunsNRoses has sold over 100 million records worldwide, and their biggest hits include Sweet Child O Mine and Welcome To the Jungle.

Their latest tour, Not In This Lifetime, grossed $ 584.2 million (455.1 million) from 175 shows from 2016 until the end of last year.

The Guns N Roses 2020 tour, however, was canceled in mid-March after only two shows.

Here’s hoping there will be many more tours to come!

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