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‘Threat actor’ claims responsibility for Suffolk dark web hack

‘Threat actor’ claims responsibility for Suffolk dark web hack


HAUPPAUGE, NY Reports on the dark web yesterday indicate that a threat actor has claimed responsibility for the current cyber incident in Suffolk, County Executive Steve Bellone confirmed to Patch on Friday.

The county’s incident response team is evaluating that information and working closely with law enforcement, he said.

In a Tweeter On Thursday, a Twitter user reported that the BlackCat Group (ALPHAV) ransomware team hit the Suffolk County government.

The message contained a screenshot of what appeared to be a blog post from the group saying that Suffolk had been attacked.

Along with the government network, the networks of several contractors have also been encrypted, the message reads. Due to the fact that the Suffolk County Government and the above companies do not communicate with us, we are posting sample documents from the government and contractor network.

Bellone said county agencies have adopted contingency plans and provided services through other redundant means and methods and the essential work of county government continues.

The county’s information technology department led a company-wide effort to assess the impact of this cyber incident in order to proceed with the safe and secure restoration of servers, he said. .

Bellone went on to say that these efforts continue and prioritize the protection and preservation of critical, sensitive and personal information.

The ongoing system integrity assessment so far indicates that the network infrastructure is intact, he added.

The county’s website was shut down last Thursday after unusual activity was noticed.

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Bellone said Tuesday that county webpages and emails were taken down to assess a cyber intrusion after unusual activity, now believed to involve malware.

County officials shut down web and email functions while the intrusion was monitored with an “abundance of caution,” Bellone told reporters at a Hauppauge press briefing.

Investigators say the attack has “all the hallmarks of ransomware,” although no specific request has been made to the county, Bellone said, adding that the ongoing investigation is still in its early stages.

“The reality we live in today is that we are in the digital age,” he said. “We are in the information age. The notion of hacking your computer has been around for a long time, but the sophistication with which threat actors operate increases every day as this technology evolves.”

“But, unfortunately, no public or private organization is immune to these types of cyber intrusions,” he added.

The county’s infrastructure has been “strengthened” over the years, and county officials continue to provide their employees with “the tools to help afford and mitigate these types of incidents,” Bellone said.

In the meantime, the county is launching a temporary landing page with information for every county department and agency, as well as instructions for residents to access frequently used services.

Officials are also activating a number of county email addresses that are commonly used by the public “to further improve the flow of communications,” Belllone said.

Investigators do not believe there was a breach of privacy involving county residents or employees, although an investigation is ongoing, officials said.




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