Iconic Hollywood Bowl appoints new superintendent, Mark Ladd

LOS ANGELES Mark Ladd has been nominated by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation to serve as superintendent of the Hollywood Bowl. Mark will continue the 100-year tradition of the Hollywood Bowls by serving as the premier destination for live music in Southern California.
With over one million visitors and more than 100 events a year, the Hollywood Bowl, operated on behalf of the county by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association (LA Phil), elevates the transformative power of live music.

It is a great honor to receive this nomination, shared Hollywood Bowl Superintendent Mark Ladd. I look forward to playing a stewardship role and continuing the tradition of continuous improvement of this historic facility.
Since 1994, Mark has served in the dual role of Deputy Superintendent of the Hollywood Bowl, representing the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, as well as Associate Director of Operations for the Hollywood Bowl, where he was recently promoted to Director, on behalf of LA Phil. During its time at the Hollywood Bowl, the venue hosted over 2,700 events.
I am thrilled with the appointment of Mark Ladd as superintendent of the Hollywood Bowl, said Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger. This beloved performance hall is an asset in the Fifth Arrondissement that requires thoughtful management. Mark offers a long history of dedicated service to the Bowl and its visitors. I look forward to working with him so that we can continue our coordinated community engagement strategies. I’m glad we share a common vision and both prioritize soliciting community input to address noise, traffic and long-term mitigation projects.
When asked to recall his most memorable experiences at the Bowl, Mark notes that in addition to witnessing many great events, he was instrumental in the construction of several buildings on the Bowl campus. , including the renovation and rehabilitation of the Bowl’s iconic performance. shell/stage, which was completed in 2004. Additionally, he was part of the team that developed the design guidelines for the Hollywood Bowl.
We are delighted that Mark Ladd has been promoted to the position of 3rd ever named superintendent of the Hollywood Bowl, said Chad Smith, president and CEO, David C. Bohnett, president and CEO of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association. His incredible knowledge and passion for the iconic Hollywood Bowl will continue to serve audiences and performers as we enter the second century of this beloved Southern California hall tradition.
Prior to joining the Hollywood Bowl team, Mark was the operations coordinator at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and Sports Arena. His experience also includes several New Year’s Rose Bowl games, several Super Bowls, as well as the 1984 Olympics.
The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association
Under the direction of the musical and artistic directorGustave DudameltheLA Philoffers live performances, media initiatives and learning programs that inspire and empower communities in Los Angeles and beyond.
The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra is the foundation of the LA Phils offering, which also includes a multi-genre, multi-disciplinary presentation program and youth development programs such asYLA(Los Angeles Youth Orchestra).
Performances are offered on three historic stagesWalt Disney Concert Hallthehollywood bowlandthe fordas well as through a variety of media platforms. In all of its endeavors, the LA Phil seeks to enrich the lives of individuals and communities through musical, artistic and learning experiences that resonate in our world today.
The Hollywood Bowl
One of the largest natural amphitheaters in the world, with a seating capacity of nearly 18,000, the Hollywood Bowl has been the summer home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra since its official opening in 1922 and hosts top performers of all musical genres, offering something for everyone.
This remains one of LA’s best deals; to date, $1 buys a seat at the top of the Bowl for many classical and jazz performances. In June 2021, the Hollywood Bowl received the Amphitheater of the Decade award at the 32nd Annual Pollstar Awards. It also received the Outdoor Concert Venue of the Year award at the 31st Annual Pollstar Awards, an honor given 14 times previously, as well as the Best Amphitheater award in 2017 and 2018 Billboard Tour prices. For millions of Southern California music lovers, the Hollywood Bowl is synonymous with summer.
The Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation is proud of its co-stewardship with the Los Angeles Philharmonic of the Hollywood Bowl, one of the world’s most iconic and well-known outdoor performance venues and parks. , shared by the Los Angeles County Parks Department. and Director of Recreation Norma Edith Garca-Gonzlez. I am enthusiastic about the leadership of Mark Ladds, a career professional with extensive and invaluable experience operating the Hollywood Bowl. I am confident that he will lead the next centennial of the Hollywood Bowl’s legacy by committing to providing a welcoming and enriching experience.
As a fifth-generation Californian, Mark has always had an interest in the native flora and fauna of the state. He spent several years researching and digitizing an extensive collection of family photographs that stretches back to the pre-Civil War period. He served on the board of trustees at Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, where he resides with his wife Angie. They have two adult children.
Sources 2/ https://www.losangelesblade.com/2022/11/11/iconic-hollywood-bowl-appoints-new-superintendent-mark-ladd/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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