Actor Namor Reacts to Marvel Editing His Bulge in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Namor actor Tenoch Huerta shared his reaction to his Black Panther: Wakanda Forever the character’s on-screen bulge being digitally altered for the film’s release.
Huerta’s Talokanil King made his MCU debut in the Black Panther sequel, quickly becoming one of the fan-favorite villains in franchise history.
This version of the character seen on screen is fairly faithful to the source material, sporting “unique characteristics” like his signature trunks and winged feet for the entire film. However, a change was made from what the character looked like during filming to what ended up on the big screen.
Since black panther 2eagle-eyed fans noticed that the bulge in Namor’s swimsuit is much smaller than in the trailers preceding the film.

It’s unclear why this particular edit was made, but now, days after the viral tweet highlighting the change, Namor actor Tenoch Huerta has commented on Bulge-Gate 2022.
Tenoch Huerta and the case of the shrunken bulge
Talk with rolling stone, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Actor Tenoch Huerta has opened up about the recent change to the bulge in the front of his character’s swimsuit in the MCU movie.
The Namor actor laughed when asked about it, telling the outlet that the photo “without [the bulge]” was actually the original:
“[Laughs] The only thing I can say is: the original was the photo on the right. Without [the bulge]! It’s original. No, I mean, I’m not going to lie to people. Every man in the world, we have a fragile masculinity, but not in this area. I will say, the good one, the real one, is the photo on the right.”
Huerta also opened up about what it was like to wear so little for the duration of the film and the fact that he might need to stay in shape in case Marvel returns, a problem he’s not the first. MCU actor to lift.
He said “I can’t cut my amount of tacos from now on,” recalling that his trainer had told him that he could now rest, but “not too,” because if he had to play Namor again he would “you have to go through the same process” he just passed to reach his fitness level for wakanda forever:
“Worried! I actually worry about it. No, it’s a big deal, man. I can’t cut my amount of tacos from now on. But, yeah, it’s funny. I don’t I don’t know. It’s something my coach told me. Alright man, now you can rest, you can relax and take your time. But not too much, because if you have to play Namor again once besides, you have to start the same process over again. So it’s better that you take care of yourself and don’t go crazy with tacos.
Is Tenoch Huerta telling the bulging truth?
From this interview, it’s actually unclear if, in fact, Marvel rated actor Namor up or down for the final film. The general consensus was that the studio humiliated him a bit by toning down the bulge in the pants.
But if Huerta is to be believed, they ended up using original footage in the final cut, meaning the character was made to look taller in trailers and marketing material.
It looks like the MCU rookie answers the question a bit jokingly and knows what’s going on below his waist. But maybe he’s still a bit camera shy when asked point-blank like he’s here.
Audiences may never know the answer to what exactly happened to Namor’s trunks during the trailer’s translation to the big screen. Perhaps fans will have to wait for the movie’s inevitable Disney+ release to get a true HD side-by-side.
Namor de Tenoch Huerta (and its bulge) can be seen in Black Panther: Wakanda Foreverwhich is currently playing in theaters.
Sources 2/ https://thedirect.com/article/namor-bulge-black-panther-wakanda-forever-edit The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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