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Guy Ritchies The Covenant is Hollywood Meets No Man Left Behind

Guy Ritchies The Covenant is Hollywood Meets No Man Left Behind


Since the withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan in August 2021, stories of the evacuation and relocation of interpreters have apparently become fashionable.

These stories of eye-to-eye rescues between performers and their American counterparts have recently found their way into Hollywood as a genre increasingly covered in American heroism. Guy Ritchies’ latest film, The Covenant, is no exception.

The story follows US Army Sgt. John Kinley (Jake Gyllenhaal) and his Afghan interpreter Ahmed (Dar Salim) as they rather reluctantly flee and become accidental heroes along the way.

To me it was a parable, Gyllenhaal told the Military Times. It was about doing good reluctantly. I think selfless service is a really interesting idea.

When Ahmed is introduced, Kinley remains suspicious of him despite the fact that Ahmed’s first act is to save his unit from an ambush that had been coordinated by another performer. Things go awry, however, when a mission to uncover a large weapons cache goes awry, leaving Kinley gunned down by Taliban fighters in the process.

Ahmed, rather reluctantly, tries to save his life. The performer, who has a pregnant wife and lost a child to the Taliban, has a Special Immigrant Visa, or SIV, for his family online. But as the story progresses, it becomes increasingly clear that selflessness is the piece.

I love that there are two characters who don’t like each other very much, added Gyllenhaal. They do it out of duty. They do it because of the feeling of goodness that is inside of us.

Because the Taliban are hunting the couple, Ahmed must avoid the main roads to get Kinley back to base. In doing so, he pushes the mostly unconscious American in a wagon into the mountains and through unrelenting desert terrain.

The scenes, after a while, begin to resemble Sisyphus being forced by Zeus to unsuccessfully push a boulder up a hill for all eternity.

From Kinley’s perspective, the footage is an opium-induced fever dream, highlighted by blurry images and rhythmic music that seem to blur day and night. Eventually, the pair finally achieve salvation at the hands of another army platoon.

Kinley is sent home to recuperate, but Ahmed is, predictably, left behind. Thousands of miles away, Kinley soon decides to save Ahmed’s life.

In a booze-fueled sequence, Kinley attempts to navigate the legal channels necessary to secure Ahmed’s visa, spending brutal hours on the phone as the creaky sustain music plays on a loop.

All the while, Ahmed, his wife and newborn son are forced into hiding, moving every few days as the Taliban continue to hunt them.

The moral dilemma for Kinley is whether the life debt he owes Ahmed is worth risking everything to save him. He struggles with a creeping desire to push him out of his mind until his sense of duty the idea of ​​an alliance overcomes him.

As audiences would expect with any action movie, all’s well that ends well. A wild action sequence ensues that seemingly heralds certain fate for the two heroes, until the final moment when fate, also known as the extravagant American helicopter rescue, intervenes.

This film ultimately depicts a positive ending for an Afghan performer or ally who manages to escape an oppressive regime bent on punishing anyone who helps coalition forces. In reality, many remain behind, hiding, waiting for the SIVs and living in constant fear of reprisals.

The US military mantra of no man left behind was one that proved to include a significant gray area for many allies during the Vietnam War, and also came under fire following the August troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. 2021.

There are currently more than 150,000 Afghan candidates for the SIV, including many allies, interpreters and their families hoping to escape the Taliban-ruled nation, the Biden administration has estimated. Foreign Police.

Guy Ritchies The Covenant hits theaters April 21.

Observation Post is the Military Times’ one-stop-shop for everything off-duty. Stories may reflect the author’s observations.

Sarah Sicard is an editor at the Military Times. Previously, she served as Digital Editor of the Military Times and Managing Editor of the Army Times. Other work can be found in National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose and Defense News.




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